Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Knowledge, Truth, and Belief Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Knowledge, Truth, and Belief - Case Study Example Hence, assumption of burnt bulb cannot be taken as final but considered along with the issue of fuse. Only when the fuse is also tested, that the reality of bulb being burnt or not can be conclusively defined. Thus, rational approach of problem, where well articulated or logical arguments become basis for problem solution, needs to be adopted. (words: 158) Russell’s approach of looking at things is hugely important because it uses empirical knowledge to interpret the world around from wider perspective of rational approach. He believes that perceived reality is important part of human interaction with the world which is often interpreted in context with the real life situation. While perception is linked with the sensory organs, its interpretation and understanding hugely depends on cognitive processes that relies on manipulation of information as stored in memory. At the same time, Russell also employs skepticism to understand emotional and metaphysical reaction. The expanding knowledge promotes rational approach where skepticism facilitates in coming to the right conclusion. As part of experience, skepticism helps to evolve options that support not only accrued knowledge comprising of scientific and priori knowledge but also the intuitive and inductive knowledge that comes from experience. Hence Russell’s approach lends credibility to the wider empirical knowledge of rationalization process. (words: 151) Out of the variety of considerations that Reid presents in support of his common sense position, I believe the strongest argument is that human intellect is most important factor in social interaction. The human intellect takes into consideration the conscious and unconscious working of mind along with the ability to rationalize events based on construction and deconstruction of object reality. The cognitive theory helps to explain why and how the events take place and subsequent pattern of

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