Monday, September 30, 2019

The Advantages of Being Legal

There are many arguments on the question of whether or not to legalize marijuana. The benefits of legalizing marijuana include its medicinal value and its many uses to produce commercial products like paper, rope, oil, textiles, and canvas. Another good reason to legalize marijuana is that hundreds of thousands of non-violent drug offenders are overpopulating prisons, costing taxpayers millions of dollars. Legalization would also put marijuana dealers out of business and it would bring revenue to the government like alcohol and tobacco does. Some opposition to legalizing marijuana is that traffic atalities would increase, and that more people like school teachers and bus drivers would be smoking legally purchased marijuana. They also believe that more young people would smoke more marijuana. Marijuana is medicine and has been used as medicine for thousands of years to treat a wide variety of ailments. It is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known. Marijuana is often useful in the treatment of cancer, AIDS, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and chronic pain. For cancer patients, marijuana alleviates the nausea, vomiting, and loss f appetite caused by chemotherapy treatment. It does the same for people with AIDS. By reducing intraocular pressure, marijuana helps slow or halt the gradual increasing eye pressure suffered by glaucoma patients. Marijuana reduces the muscle pain and spastically caused by multiple sclerosis. It also helps some patients control their bladders. With some epileptic patients, marijuana prevents seizures. Marijuana is also a very effective pain reliever. Hemp, a plant mainly grown for its use as a fiber source, is from the same plant that produces marijuana. It is different because industrial hemp is grown with minute amounts of delta-9 and tetrahydrocannibinol, abbreviated as THC, which is the element in marijuana that gives the high sensation’. Industrial hemp is one of nature’s strongest and most versatile agricultural crops. It can be used to produce various things such as textiles, paper, clothing, plastics, cosmetics, food stuffs, insulation, and animal feed. Hemp seeds can be used to make high protein foods and the oil can be used to produce non-toxic paint, varnish, detergent, diesel fuel, ink, and lubricating oil. One acre of hemp produces as much fiber as two to three acres of cotton and one acre also produces as much paper as two to four acres of trees. The advantage of using paper products produced by hemp is that hemp’s growing cycle is around one hundred days, while it takes trees years to grow to produce the same amount of paper. Hemp was cultivated in the U. S. until 1937, when the Marijuana Tax Act outlawed marijuana. In 1942 the government encouraged American farmers to cultivate hemp for the war effort, but then in 1955 prohibitionists had reasserted a total ban on production. Now the DEA, Drug Enforcement Administration, remains firmly opposed to any notion of revising the federal laws to allow hemp’s domestic cultivation. Every year 400,000 Americans are arrested for marijuana and thousands of them are sent to prison. Marijuana users and dealers account for sixty percent of all prisoners today. Because of new anti-drug laws, these prisoners can be jailed for up to thirty years, and most are, even for minor crimes. Federal and State governments are spending billions to build more prisons to house hundreds of thousands of non-violent drug offenders. Legalization would kill the black market for marijuana. Marijuana sales would be regulated by state and federal governments. It would also help the economy by a reduction in law enforcement costs, and police could focus more on dangerous drugs such as cocaine, heroin, and crystal meth. Some people who oppose the legalization of marijuana say that traffic fatalities would increase. The myth is that 40% of drug related emergency room visits are marijuana related. The fact is that this statistic purposely excludes the legal drug of alcohol, a drug notorious for causing violence and accidents. A marijuana related emergency room visit does not mean marijuana caused the incident. If the patient admits to using marijuana days or weeks before the incident or if someone involved in the incident is found only possessing marijuana, then the emergency room admission is counted as marijuana related. At first, the amount of people using marijuana may increase. The idea that people like school teachers, day care providers, and bus drivers smoking legally purchased marijuana and endangering others is something that should not be worried about. Do these people drink alcohol before going to work or smoke igarettes during work They are mostly responsible adults and if they choose to smoke the legally purchased marijuana, they would do it responsibly. Most recreational marijuana smokers will continue to smoke even if marijuana is never legalized. I was forced to temporarily quit smoking because of the system. I used to occasionally smoke until my room was searched at the college I attended freshman year. I felt that my personal rights were violated when every room on my hall was searched after someone set off a firework. The search was conducted by a R. A. a person who is my age, and it was done without my roommate or I present. Nothing was left in plain sight, in fact, all of the paraphernalia was found in a backpack which was in a filing cabinet that was in my closet. I felt as though I did not commit a crime, but as though I was the victim. As former president Lincoln said, Prohibition goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man’s appetite by legislation, and a makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Insanity Defense: Why Should It Essay

Abstract The author of this paper argues several reasons why the insanity plea should be changed or either eliminated. The reasons are considered and supported by evidence. The conclusion states that insanity should be altered or eliminated for the safety and well being of society. Insanity Defense: Why Should It Be Abolished Or Altered Introduction The insanity defense asserts that the criminal defendant is not guilty by reason of insanity. This theory should be abolished or altered. The proposal behind the defense is people who are insane cannot have the knowledge required to perform a criminal act because they either do not know that act is wrong or cannot control their actions even when they understand the act is wrong, but this theory is controversial because insanity is difficult to define, and the circumstances in which insanity can be used to excuse criminal responsibility are difficult to define. History And Background The theory of the insanity defense has been around since ancient Greece and Rome. The theory was put in to use by Edward II. Under the English common law, a person was declared insane if their mental capacity was no more than a so-called â€Å"wild beast†. The first insanity trials began in 1724, those who  were insane and under the age of 14 were found not guilty in the court of law. (Wiki 2011) This eventually led to any criminal or defendant being able to use the plea to excuse the act that had been committed. Though the act was in place it wasn’t upheld in court and wasn’t problem at the time. In 1986 (Ford v. Wainwright) the US Supreme court upheld the common law that the insane cannot be executed. It also stated that a person under the death penalty is to be given a competency evaluation and a hearing in court on his or her chances to be executed. In Wainwright v. Greenfield the prosecutor can argue that a person’s silence during the readingâ€℠¢s of their Miranda rights is evidence of insanity. (Wiki 2011) The court gives jurisdiction for insanity in different rules or a combination of them. The â€Å"M’Nagthen rule† is where the defendant either did not understand what he or she did or failed to distinguish right from wrong, because the disease of the mind. The â€Å"Irresistible Impulse† test as a result of mental disease, defendant was unable to control his impulses, which led to the crime committed. The â€Å"Durham Rule† regardless of any diagnosis, defendant’s mental defect resulted in the criminal act. Finally the â€Å"Model Penal Code† due to the diagnosed mentally ill defendant either failed to understand the crime of his or her acts or was unable to act within the confines of the law. (Lally 1997)) The defense declares that a criminal defendant should not be guilty because the defendant is insane. Whens someone commits a crime in today’s society he or she may use mental illness as a defense, know as insanity plea or insanity defense (Dubsinki 1986). What the insanity defense does is try to give the criminal a so-called fair trial. Even if the crime committed is very extreme and seems to be unruly. The problem arises where do we draw the line for these criminals. What principle is a person considered insane and how is the tested? Insanity defense has been a problem in recent years, and that all criminals have some sort of mental illness. The crime itself no matter how extreme questions the fact if it demonstrates insanity. It has been a major ordeal in our legal system today. If the criminals are considered insane and out of touch with reality, the justice system agrees to pass the trial and the criminals are entered into a mental hospital. (Carpenter 2011) Criminals are then found not guilty by reason of insanity. The Problem For instance, the problem with insanity defense is legal analysts examine each client or criminal from a legal angle, also conversing to different doctors as well as specialists. Each client has to undergo tests. They do not actually come up with scientific prove from the brain to say the person is either mentally ill or not. (Khan 2014) This is the hardest part of the insanity defense, determining whether or not that person is mentally insane or acting like it. How can a person who kills twelve people including women and children be allowed to live in mental hospital while the victim’s families suffer from the loss of their loved ones. Forensic psychiatrist Jonas Rappeport saw such pleas during his quarter century as chief medical officer of Baltimore’s Circuit Court said, â€Å"When you’ve got no better defense, that’s the way to go.†(White 2011) The fact is sometimes these criminals are using the insanity defense to avoid the death penalty and continuing to live life in prison or mental hospitals, and under some circumstances are released from the mental hospitals affirming the patients have been cured (Khan 2014). Any defendant can use the defense. Lorena Bobbitt argued she was temporarily insane when she severed her husband’s penis with a kitchen knife four years ago. She was released after three months of psychiatric evaluation. (Carpenter 2011) Crimes happen everyday, some crimes are inexcusable and those who commit them should be punished. The punishment should fit the crime if we do something that is equally as extreme as take a life from another person, we should not be allowed to defend ourselves by insanity. Murder should go charged which is why the insanity plea should be altered or erased. It allows the criminals to go unpunished for their crime. Rebuttal There are however many criminals who do have some type of mental illness, but still are not eligible for the insanity plea. As shown in a recent survey of prison populations there are higher rates of mental illness and substance abuse among inmates than the general population. (Lally1997) The determining of insanity is very difficult and can inaccurate. If the person is clinically insane what principles do we use to penalize the individual for the crimes they committed? If he or she does not know right from wrong and if the person is out of touch with reality, under what circumstances is the plea suitable for the crime committed? An example would be if shoplifter was  charged for his or her crime and uses the insanity plea as a defense saying they weren’t in touch with reality, we would give that person a reduced sentence. If the person confirms to be insane they need to receive help, if we decided to put that person into a prison it would not help them what so ever. The insanity plea is a very controversial topic many people think it should be erased others think it should be altered. The difficulty of changing the plea is because of the determining if one is sane of not and under what right to do we have to choose the faith of another person. Resolution Accordingly resolution is the insanity plea should be erased or abolished because it’s a threat to the American people. Considering a large number of Americans feel the insanity plea should be erased or even altered to protect people’s own safety. (Dubsinki 1986) Using the insanity plea in a murder case and getting away with disproves the American people. Imagine the reaction people would feel if a murderer who just recently left the mental institution after pleading mentally insane were walking shoulder to shoulder to them. Insanity should not be used as a so-called excuse to avoid the punishment of the crime someone has committed. They should be punished for their actions they ch oose to do and neither the justice or court system should have a say in that. Even though the difficulty to prove sanity is questionable, the person should go through a broader series of tests and have evidence compelling towards insanity. (Harris 2013) If this person is sent to a mental hospital and then is considered cured or not a threat, he or she free to go which is wrong and corrupt. We should have firm standard for judging whether a person is mentally ill or not. Conclusion Thus, the plea should be altered or even erased in some circumstances. Even though some of crimes committed would result in a death penalty for those who murder and kill for no reason. If that person is insane, the punishments should fit the crime they have committed. If they are unaware of what they were doing and the result is being found not guilty, who is to say that they will not commit another crime again. Murder should be punished with death in my opinion and the crime should fit the punishment and there should be no alibi in the court system. If we let these people continue t o use this excuse eventually our jails and mental will be full and the government will be spending even more  money. (Harris 2013) Taking these so called mentally insane people off the streets will give America a safer conscious. References, Dubsinki, K. D. (1986, July 15). Insanity Defense. In Chicago Tribute. Retrieved March 28, 2014, from Khan, Z. (2014, March 21). Interview by HK Khan [Personal Interview]. Insanity defense Harris, M. (2013, January 14). Insanity plea repeated. In The Baltimore Sun . Retrieved March 20, 2014, from Insanity defense (2011, April 11). In Wikipedia . Retrieved April 17, 2014, from Carpenter, P. (2011, December 29). Legal system needs to rethink insanity, related defense ploys. In The Morning Call . Retrieved April 17, 2014, from White, M. D. (2011, January 11). Debating the Insanity Defense. In Psychology Today . Retrieved April 16, 2014, from Lally, S. (1997, November 3). Drawing a Clear Line Between Criminals and the Criminally Insane. In Washington Post. Retrieved April 20, 2014, from

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Art Opinion

When the word â€Å"art† comes to mind, I think about a painting. I think about the colors blending together to create an image. However, thinking a little more I think about a sculpture and its smooth, about the story and emotions it expresses. Art in general for me is something beautiful and expressive. Although beautiful as well, I never thought about architecture in the category of art until this week’s reading. In this week’s reading about the Parthenon, it is interesting to learn the background of classical Greece and the great efforts that were made to create art in order to reflect the greatness of Greece. All throughout, the Parthenon has been referred to and analyzed as a work of art. At first, I thought it was strange because I would never think of a building itself as art. I was just saw see it as some physical location. However, I realized that my definition of art might have been faulty. I realized art can be any product of creativity that was meant for one to observe visually and analyze. It was meant as a means of expression. The Parthenon, in my opinion, definitely falls into that category. In the reading Art and Experience in Classical Greece, I learn that the Parthenon incorporates different modes of art from architecture to sculpture deliberately for political, cultural, and religious purposes. It is a reflection and â€Å"glorification of Athens as a political power and cultural ideal† (Pollitt 65) through its grandeur. Such grandeur is evident in things such as the â€Å"thickening of its corner columns†¦and the curvature of horizontals† (Pollitt 66). Each part from the columns to the sculpting on it seems to have a purpose. I think especially for its time as J. J. Pollitt appears to be conveying, this was and still is an impressive work of art.

Friday, September 27, 2019

CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAW IN HEALTH CARE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAW IN HEALTH CARE - Essay Example Consequently, healthcare contracts ensure that parties are informed of their rights and obligations, and provide remedies for breach by one or more parties to an agreement. It also clarifies parties’ intentions and can be used for future references to resolve misunderstandings among parties to it (Pozgar, 2012). It defines an agreement by parties to establish, and be bound by their specified terms. Express contracts can be oral or written and written contracts override oral contracts (Simmers, Nartker and Kobelak, 2008). This is a contract in which one of the parties can relinquish his or her obligations because of lack of some of the essentials of a contract. The type of contract however, remains valid until it is revoked (Pozgar, 2012). Other types of a contract are defined in terms of nature of involved subject matter such as contracts for reality defining contracts that involve â€Å"real estate and interest in real estate,† contracts for goods involving â€Å"movable objects with exception of money and securities,† and contract for services involving human efforts (Pozgar, 2012, p. 87). Essential elements of a valid a contract in healthcare are agreement, which defines offer and acceptance, and consideration. An offer refers to a promise by a party or parties to undertake acts, of commission or omission, on provision that the other party or parties will undertake specified acts of either omission or commission. An offer is only valid when the ‘offeror’ intends to be bound by the terms. Acceptance however defines a party’s consent, subject to legal provisions, to be bound by the terms of offer. It must involve â€Å"mutual consent,† be â€Å"definite and complete,† be made before the offer is revoked or within a reasonable period, and must be â€Å"complete and confirming† (Pozgar, 2012, p. 87). Another element of healthcare contract, consideration,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Risk takers Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Risk takers - Coursework Example A risk-taker is a type of an entrepreneur who decides to involve oneself in a risky venture without necessarily taking consideration on the extent of the harm that the venture will cause. This type of an entrepreneur is full of vigor and strength and is fully prepared to undergo all the necessary downfalls that are attached to the risk. A perfect example for this is an entrepreneur buying out a bond during economic boom. In case of a chance of economic downturn, the individual will incur a lot of risk and the net worth of his investments will be negative. This is a type of an investor who doesn’t like involving oneself in risky ventures. He knows and understands the possible outcome of indulging oneself in such activities. This does not guarantee success in any of his ventures. This type of an individual clearly prepares himself to take a risk in case of an option where risk is involved and there is no loophole for escape. He clearly sets out steps to follow and possible procedures to take in case the risk binds him. A risk neutral person is neither a risk-taker nor a risk-averse entrepreneur; he operates comfortably in all the environments and is fully prepared to face the risk in case it binds him down. On the other hand, in case the risk doesn’t affect him, he emerges out as a victor. A risk-taker is bound to enjoy more success in his ventures than a risk-averse person. This is so, because, a risk-taker operates comfortably in a risky environment without necessarily taking caution, this binds him to succeed. A risk-averse takes caution in everything that he, in case of taking risk in order to achieve success, and then the risk-averse person does not comprehend. A risk-neutral entrepreneur operates comfortably under all the

Outline and critically discuss the statutory and common law examples Essay

Outline and critically discuss the statutory and common law examples of 'lifting the veil' on corporate personality - Essay Example There are several statutory examples in which the courts are prepared to lift the veil of the corporation. For example under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, in which the court can make a confiscation order against a convicted criminal has been used to lift the corporate veil.3 Guidelines have been established setting forth the limitations for which confiscation orders can be made that lift the corporate veil. It was held in R v Seager by Aikens LJ that under the criminal law there are three circumstances in which the corporate shield may be lifted. Firstly, if it is established that the convicted criminal attempted to hide his criminal activities and the proceeds of those activities behind the corporation’s separate legal personality, the veil may be lifted.4 Secondly, the corporate veil may be lifted in cases where the convicted criminal committed crimes constituting the criminal offence for which he/she is convicted. Finally, the shield may be lifted where the â€Å"transaction or business structures constitute a ‘device’, ‘cloak’, or ‘sham’, i.e. an attempt to disguise the true nature of the transaction†.5 In other words, the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, will be used in instances where it is clear that the company was used as an instrument in crime for either evading criminal liability or for hiding the proceeds of crime.6 There are several other statutes, particularly revenue statutes where the corporate veil is lifted for the collection of taxes. Moreover, the corporate veil can also be lifted under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 and Trading with the Enemy Act 1939.7 Both statutes are used to determine whether or not the individual and the company are so intricately tied that it is difficult to distinguish between the two.8 The statutes considered here are the Insolvency Act 1986 and the Companies Act 2006. There are four examples under the Insolvency Act 1986 in which the corporate veil may be lifted. Under Section 122(1)(g),

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

International strategic management ( answer the 2 exam questions) Essay

International strategic management ( answer the 2 exam questions) - Essay Example da Motor Company, it seems that the company had been following a â€Å"glocalisation† strategy since mid 1980s in order to internationalise its business segments giving more focus on local markets. However, the company has recently brought a strategic change in its global market operations, according to which the Honda sets up its own wholly owned subsidiaries across the globe. To illustrate, referring to Aylward (2003), Honda established its wholly owned subsidiary in India in 1999 under the name Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India and announced plans on cancelling the joint venture with its Indian partner Hero. This strategic change is supported by the performance comparison framework, which tells that stockholders expect more revenues as time goes by (Lecture note). In addition, the company has abandoned its traditional manufacturing policies, and adapted to a new manufacturing policy called ‘Lean manufacturing system’ by the end of the 20th century. The lean manu facturing strategy would produce maximum level of output with minimum level of inventory. Also, this strategy would avoid production waste. Strategic change approaches illustrate that a change process involves three phases including strategic planning, project management, and operationalistion. Today, governments worldwide encourage foreign direct investments as it is one of the best measures to promote economic growth. This trend is particularly seen in emerging economies like India and China. Since Honda is a globally recognised company and a potential employment provider, governments tend to welcome the organisation on the belief that Honda can add value to the nation’s industrial and economic status. In addition, since globalisation has eliminated cross border trade barriers, organisations enjoy easy access to foreign markets. At this juncture, the Honda management thinks that the strategic change would provide them with more operating freedom and innovation capabilities. While analysing the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Origins of American Criminal Law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Origins of American Criminal Law - Research Paper Example With the development of criminal law in the 20th century, Jurisprudence in America distanced itself more from the common law concept that a crime was made up of two elements; a guilt mind and deed. The obligation of an act is one that is proof of a choice made, yet choice is what introduces the state of mind. In an attempt to make the criminal law more predictable and uniform, legal theorists and judges had to marginalize the principle of â€Å"intent.† This group sought to shape lines between civil law and criminal law by limiting, or doing away with some requirements. The Fifth Amendment of the U.S Constitution The Fifth Amendment originated from the whole Bill of Rights, US Constitution’s first ten amendments. Individuals who met in their States to approve the Constitution thought that the federal government might go beyond its powers. This amendment provides that no individual shall be held answerable for capital or renowned crime, except on an indictment or present ation of a grand jury, in exception of cases resulting from naval or land forces, or in the army, during actual service in public danger or time of war. No person shall be subjected to a similar offense to be placed in jeopardy of limb or life; nor be bound in a given criminal case to witness against himself, nor be deprived of property, life, or liberty, without due process of law. Private property shall not be taken to be used publicly with no just compensation (Scheb, 2011). It was important for the Fifth Amendment to be included to protect citizens from self-incrimination. It protects both the innocent and the guilty individuals who may find themselves in incriminating conditions. The right has vital implications especially for police interrogations, a mechanism that the police use to get evidence through confessions from suspects. Powers granted to the federal government versus those granted to state governments to make criminal laws Articles one to six of the American Constitu tion restrict some state powers and define Federal powers. Only the Federal government can declare war, govern some tribes, and raise a navy or armies, and coin money. The Tenth amendment gives powers to the state governments by stating that powers not given by the Constitution to the US, nor forbidden by it to the states, are set aside for the States or to citizens. States are entitled to pass laws that protect the economic, safety, and health of its citizens. The specification in these powers was to reduce the fear that central government would be too strong to bear, thus moving ratification along, states were given some powers to ignore or take actions if the Constitution of Federal laws went too far in making laws. Definition and comparison of the four main goals of the criminal justice system The criminal justice system is the system that enforces law, corrections, the judiciary, and trial that directly involves apprehension, defense, prosecution, supervision, and sentencing of suspects or people with criminal offense charges. The objective of the criminal justice system is to ensure justice for all, through punishing and convicting the guilty and to help them stop offenses, but at the same time protecting those who are innocent (Jones & Johnstone, 2011). The major goals are distinctive but work hand in hand. It aims at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the system to bring offenses to justice. While doing this, the public should be confident enough in the fairness of these services. Victim satisfaction with the police should be increased, but at the same time, the CJS should increase witness and victim satisfaction. All the goals are collectively met through a consistent collection, evaluation, and good use of quality ethnicity information to spot and address race dispropotionality in the Justice system. Police power and its limitations Police power may be used to refer to the powers granted by the constitution to the States to govern, adopt, make, and enforce

Monday, September 23, 2019

American economy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6250 words

American economy - Research Paper Example The government plays an important role in the economy, as is the case in all countries. From the founding of the Republic, the United States federal government has strongly supported the development of transportation. It financed the first major canal system and later subsidized the railroads and the airlines. It has developed river valleys and built dams and power stations. It has extended electricity and scientific advice to farmers and assures them a minimum price for their basic crops. It checks the purity of food and drugs, insures bank deposits and guarantees loans. America’s individual 50 states have been most active in building roads and in the field of education. Each year the states spend some $33,31 million on schools and provide a free public education for 29.1 million primary-school pupils and 11.4 million youth in secondary schools. (In addition, 8.3. a million youths attend private primary and secondary schools.) Approximately 60 percent of the students who graduate from secondary schools attend colleges and universities, 77,2 percent of which are supported by public funds. The United States leads the world in the percentage of the population that receives a higher education. Total enrollment in schools o higher learning is 13.4 million. (Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2003) Despite the fact the United States government supports many segments of the nation’s economy, economists estimate that the public sector accounts for only one-fifth of American economic activity, with the remainder in private hands.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Private Funds Essay Example for Free

Private Funds Essay The human service agency in reference is the Family Service Working Connections. Basically, the agency in involved in giving resolutions for some social concerns through assisting families and individuals to stabilize their lives and become a part of structuring an ideal community. The organization does not merely resolve actual problems but on an active procedure of strengthening the capability of each individuals to become worthy citizens of the society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The basic programs that FSW implements are geared towards the promotion of family values which they believe is the core foundation of social work. Some of the major programs of the agency are family financial budget counseling, rescuing women from abusive family members and assisting the elderly to get a home refuge where they can become contributing individuals. The special functions of the agency directly correspond to the total welfare of community members.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Since FSW is privately funded, it would be important to identify where its budget allowances come from. A huge amount of its fund allocation comes from government grants comprising at least 46% of its 2004-2005 revenue (Family Service Working). This is followed by Program Fees while private fund raising and investments also contribute to the yearly budget of the agency.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In order for the organization to continue to fund its social programs, what the administrators can do is to stabilize its relationship with government agencies. This can strengthen an approach of receiving further allocation funds in long term services. Moreover, other privately run social departments will be able to identify FSW’s objective in promoting social help. The agency can also consider higher investment allocation in order to secure at least a continuous residual income for the parties they serve. References Family Service Working. N.D. About FSW. FSW Connections. Retrieved January 28, 2008 from

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Positives And Negatives Of Pay For Performance Nursing Essay

The Positives And Negatives Of Pay For Performance Nursing Essay The purpose of this research essay will discuss aspects concerning the effects of pay-for-performance policies on quality improvement. The pay-for-performance policies are continually a debated issue concerning quality of care. This incentive program could open doors in a positive or negative way, but P4P, may lead to results of improving the quality of care; which the research in this essay will assess and analyse these perspectives. Also, reflect on pay-for-performance programs; will be a crucial aspect in the paper. Furthermore, the results that would show the successfulness of these programs, as well. In additional, do the P4P programs meet their goals and how effective they are will be share in the research essay. Other components, that will be mention such as the impact on quality improvement, unintended or negative consequences, and implications for cost containment. Introduction The purpose of this research essay is to discuss aspects of pay for performance from a positive and negative perspective. As the health sector, continue to move toward a positive path, in efforts to improve the quality of care. This quality issue has and will continue to affect many Americans patients nationwide in a positive or negative way, based on, the quality care they are receiving. Therefore, health care providers and managed care organizations (MCO) are encouraged by the monetary incentive programs, in order to give prestige quality of care (Anderson, Rice, Komininski, 2007; Laureate Education, 2009). The strong components of payment policies, such as pay-for-performance (P4P) are aspects of health care services and the influence of patients choice; in which led to quality initiatives (Hillman, 1991). In addition, the factors will help to assess the need of care for patients, and the health organization, which is a positive reinforcement of quality initiatives. For instances, an intention of the incentives program like (P4P) would reward high-quality of care and permit growth in the way of becoming more efficient and effective; when servicing clients with their care needs (Teitelbaum Wilensky, 2007). Also, this quality initiative will help providers to figure out what they need to do; in order to continue to improve quality care procedures on a proficient level. The next step in the pay-for-performance (P4P) policy will permit health organizations JCI (2010) to benefit in aspects of financial incentives; through organizational principles. Therefore, the organizational leaders would produce documents to offer a reliable outline to carry out these accountabilities. For instances, health care organizational leaders must examine the national and worldwide norms that consist of human-beings right, quality initiatives, and professional principles when forming the framework. This pay for performance quality initiatives of services for patients, could JCI (2010) examine access, convey, patient-centred, discharge regulations; correctly bill for services; and help in resolution of conflicts, which financial incentives and payments measures maybe negotiation in patient services (JCI, 2010). Pay-for- performance programs quality initiatives were organized by governmental; Young, Conrad, and Fallot (2007) also the private ownerships and organizations, in which support the aspects of quality performances. Author suggests there are over 100 incentive programs; that focus on quality initiatives and preventive care for consumers (Young, Conrad, Fallot, 2007). Research suggests; the centres for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS) are one of organizations that started the pay-for- performance programs (Anderson, Rice, Kominski; Teitelbaum Wilensky, 2007). Author suggests there is a lot of evidence, which implies the pay-for-performance incentive program has improved the overall quality of care initiative (Kuhmerker Hartman, 2007). Also, there is evidence that Jarlier and Charvet-Protat (2000) pay- for-performance quality initiatives, are profitable and can save in the long term for all health care services. Nevertheless, there will always be various negatives issues of barriers that hinder the quality care Datz, (2012); Galvin (2006) progress and growth of stronger incentives for quality advantage. The approach of the pay-for-performance has features that involve the amount of the incentive payment that result into, additional incentives such as of education, patient satisfaction, organizational information technology abilities, health providers level of performance, and diagnostics sources (Young, Conrad, Fallot, 2007). Furthermore, special interest groups seemed to be a particular alarm about the barriers that relates to the less effective method of (P4P) incentive programs, which have to do with the lack of those who do not invest in the continue quality initiatives for the delivery of health care (Young, Conrad Fallot, 2007; Dudley Rosenthal, 2006). Pay-for-performance impacts vary stakeholders, which involves all parties such as, health organizations, government, payers, medical providers, public, and private sectors, so the investment in the aspects of quality initiatives is crucial to the care process. Research suggests some payment incentives programs like (P4P) purpose is for cost containment (IOM, 2001). Also, the negative aspect of the pay-for-performance; there is no clear intention concerning making sure quality care initiatives, or improvement plan, in which relates to this program. Also, there should be some initiatives developed, such as perspectives and goals, in order to improve the aspects of the incentive payment of the health care services; which to provide IOM (2001) higher quality care and to focus on cost containment (IOM, 2001). In summary The positive aspect of health care delivery service can certainly be more effective through the pay-for-performance incentive programs. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of sustainability through this incentives program it has to be a constant arrangement, in which rewards quality of care effectiveness. In addition, all parties involved must be willing to help improve quality policies and make this initiative one of the focal points for the (P4P) programs. These arrangements could consist of fair adequate payment for excellence managerial services and that applies to the care process; which relates to financial incentives. Furthermore, to make sure that (P4P) programs meets its attended goals is to have other primary sources for recognizing and assessments for the performance initiatives, such as the Joint Commission, National Committee for quality assurance, and other agencies (Dudley and Rosenthal, 2006). A priority focus is to motivate and promote standards and firmed bylaws, in ord er to continuous to improve and maintain the quality of care initiatives through aspects of accreditation and licensure, in which would be a great addition to the perspective of the (P4P). Sources Andersen, R. M., Rice, T. H., Kominski, G. F. (2007). Changing the U.S. health care system: Key issues in health services policy and management (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Classen, D. C., Pestotnik, S. L., Evans, R., Lloyd, J, F., Burke, J. P. (1997). Adverse Drug Events in Hospitalized Patients: Excess Length of Stay, Extra Costs, and Attributable Mortality. JAMA. 277(4), 301-306. Clemmer, T. P., Vicki, J. S., Thomas, A. O., Susan, D. H. (1999). Results of a Collaborative Quality Improvement Program on Outcomes and Costs in a Tertiary Critical Care Unit. Crit. Care Med, 27(9):1768-74. Conrad, D., Wickizer, T., Maynard, C., Klastorin, T., Lessler, D., Ross, A., Soderstrom, N., Sullivan, S., Alexander, J., Travis, K. (1996). Managing Care, Incentives and Information: An Exploratory Look Inside the Black Box of Hospital Efficiency. Health Services Research, 31(3), 235-59. Datz, T. (2012). No improvement in patient outcomes seen in hospitals with pay-for-performance programs. Health Insurance Law Weekly. Retrieved from: Dudley, R. A. Rosenthal, M. B. (2006). Pay for Performance: A decision guide for purchasers. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Retrieved from: Galvin, R. (2006). Pay-for-performance: Too much of a good thing? A conversation with Martin Roland. Health Affairs, 25, w412 w419. Hillman, A. L. (1991). Managing the Physician: Rules Versus Incentives. Health Affairs 10(4):138-46. Jarlier, A., Charvet-Protat, S. (2000). Can Improving Quality Decrease Hospital Costs? International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 12(2), 125-31. Joint Commission International, Inc. (2010). Joint Commission International Accreditation Standards for Hospitals. (4th ed.). Illinois, Chicago: Joint Commission International. Kuhmerker, K. Hartman, T. (2007). Pay-for-performance in state Medicaid programs: A survey of state directors and programs. The Commonwealth Fund. Retrieved October 24, 2012 from: Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2009).  Health  Policy.  Access Challenges Baltimore, MD:  Author:  Ã‚  (Dr. Gerald Kominski and Jim Lott). Institute of Medicine. (2001). Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century. National Academy of Sciences. Young, G.J., Conrad, D.A., Fallat, A. (2007). Practical issues in the design and implementation of pay-for-quality programs. Journal of Healthcare Management, 52(1), 10-19.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The History Of Break Even Analysis

The History Of Break Even Analysis The initial capital requirement is estimated to be $50,000 to $60,000. The sales margin is expected to be 7-10%, whereby each business segment contributes differently to sales and earnings. The classical logistics segment, of all segments, will have an average contribution to sales in relative terms (6.5%), but given the high sales volume, the largest in absolute terms. Revenues from transportation services can be differentiated into those from low priced single services to comprehensive and long-term transportation. The sale of services is expected to generate a 12% to 15% sales margin, while the margin from sales of services is expected to be closer to about 10%. Figure 7.1 shows the source of revenues by segment during the start-up phase. Depending on the initial investment sum, cost and revenue estimates vary. Figure 7.2 shows the expected relationship of cost and revenues. As can be seen, the relationship is not linear everywhere, but costs decrease relative to sales at an initial investment of $50,000. This effect is due to the better utilization of capacities in personnel at rising revenues at constant cost. If capacity is fully utilized, additional personnel must be recruited. At an investment sum of $100,000, administrative costs are expected to return to a linear relationship of sales. At sales levels between $1,000,000 to $2,000,000, costs increase by the factor 1.85. The cost revenue relationship is important, not only during the start-up phase, but also for planned further expansion. Often such expansion strategies are based on this relationship. Other industries are able to generate cost savings of 30-50% during expansion periods, whilefor the logistics industry, this factor is close to 15%. At a specific s ize, this relationship reverses because administrative costs rise sharply. This affects small businesses between 10 and 20 employees most severely. Investment Plan The investment plan comprises primary capital needs for the foundation and operation of an international logistics company with different products and services for sale. The plan also includes initial marketing and sales promotion expenses. Break-even Analysis The break-even analysis shows how earnings rise as a function of sales. The break-even point is the point at which revenues from sales cover total costs (fix costs and costs rising with sales). This analysis is important for the development of the liquidity plan. If the break-even point is not achieved, in the long run the business loses liquidity and may become insolvent. This requires that a critical amount of revenues must be generated. At sale revenue of $600,000 and given fixed costs, the business will generate a profit. Fixed costs are estimated at $120, 0000 to $130,0000 and variable costs at $480,0000. At realizable revenue of $10,000,000 after 2-3 years profits will rise to $700000 pre-tax. This represents an earnings margin of 10% pre-tax and 7% after-tax. These estimates are realistic in this market segment. Increasing sales volume will increase pre-tax earnings margins, but this development reverses when administrative costs begin to rise sharply. Up to a sales volume of $3,000,000, earnings margins rise to 12.5%, after which the margin decreases to constant 11.5%. Figure 7.3 shows at which critical sales volume the business generates a profit. This serves as a base for a pricing strategy. Additionally, the graph shows the amount of sales at which a marketing campaign can be run profitably. Liquidity Plan The liquidity plan shows the amount of finances necessary to assure permanent liquidity of the business. The plan is based on 4 representative months of a typical business with 3 to 5 employees, annual sales of $1,300,000 and net profits of about $300,000. Revenue estimates are drawn from a standard normal distribution. Earnings Plan The earnings plan shows the results from ordinary operations. The plan is based on the first 4 years of business. Revenue estimates are drawn from a normal distribution with an estimated growth rate of 20 to 30%. Figure 7.4 shows profit over time. Risk Analysis The risk analysis considers critical factors that may lead to a failure of the business concept. Such factors can involve failures during the implementation phase, as well as during operations. Such potential factors are ordered according to the probability at which they can arise. Shown is the key factor that led to the failure only. Data are drawn from questionnaires of 10 logistics Businesses with comparable product offerings and revenue- and cost structures That went bankrupt during the last 3 years, as well as analyses of different research institutes. Insufficient demand: This is the most frequent reason that leads to business failure. This includes permanently low demand, as well as a temporary collapse in demand. Often demand estimates were too optimistic at the outset. Such failures might also come from external shocks instead of operating deficiencies. 19% of businesses with insufficient demand go bankrupt. 50% of these businesses report that, once demand slacked, they did not react accordingly, because they believed that this phenomenon was only temporary. Since the expected frequency of customers during the start-up phase is still low, a critical success factor is to focus promotional effort so as to generate customer loyalty early on, which will help minimize the effects of demand fluctuations. This is also important for the future development of the business. Behavior of Competition: Due to low entry barriers, additional businesses can enter the market at low cost. Approximately 16% of insolvent businesses were driven out of the market by that competition. A better service concept, innovative ideas and concentration on core businesses are easy means for an entrant to gain a competitive edge. Personnel and capacity utilization: Often personnel capacity cannot be adjusted easily when demand slows down. Currently, business services have a capacity utilization rate of personnel of 70%, i.e. 70% of employee working hours can be directly credited to sales. At small businesses this value is often lower, which means that 30% of working hours arise without generating any further revenue. 13% of such businesses go bankrupt for this reason. Liquidity constraints: Another frequent reasons for bankruptcy is insufficient liquidity. In that case, it is possible that all liquid funds are used to cover losses or that liquidity needs were planned too tight. To be able to flexibly react to changing liquidity needs, it is important that sufficient funds be planned, even during the start-up phase. Thus, 5-10% of the investment sum should be held as liquidity reserve permanently. 13% of insolvent businesses reported liquidity as the reason for bankruptcy. Over-indebtedness: Many business are run on a small equity base. The majority of investments are funded by debt. If the business becomes unprofitable, debt obligations cannot be covered. Little more over 10% of insolvent firms reported over-indebtedness as the reason for going bankrupt. It is therefore important that a share of earnings is retained for debt service. Macroeconomic Conditions: In a cyclical downturn, revenue expectations may not come in according to expectation. Although this factor does not affect the business in itself, it does have an impact on profitability, liquidity and leverage. Costs remain constant during such periods, but revenues typically decrease which affects overall profitability. 10% of all insolvent businesses report that they went bankrupt due to macroeconomic conditions, although the relevant indicators of the business looked healthy. Location and market: The market of the business and the selection of the right potential customers is an important success factor and one of the fundamental decisions that has an impact on the future prosperity of the firm. Therefore, a careful analysis is necessary. More than 10% of insolvent businesses reported that they went bankrupt because of the wrong market selection. Often start-ups did not consider that, even when the choice of market may not be wrong at the outset, it may later become so when economic conditions worsen. This may be due to structural changes or different interest of customers. Wrong Business Decisions: Often wrong business decisions and difficult situations go unnoticed for some period, which can lead to a failure of the business. A critical and independent reflection of a decision is critical factors to determine the value of a management decision and evaluate the business profitability. Studies have shown that many businesses fail in their start-up phase because of managementà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s inability to make sound business decisions, while once a business is settled, such mistakes are very rare. A critical management instrument is the ability to detect potential failures and problems. Certain key figures can help measure this ability and objectively determine a decisions chance for success. Small businesses should use such indicator ratios to assess their Business outlooks. Figure 7.5 shows the relative importance of each factor for businesses that went bankrupt. The numbers are based on the most relevant reason that triggered bankruptcy, but not the reason responsible for bankruptcy. External factors that changed the competitive environment and changing macroeconomic conditions were the most important reasons relative to internal factors Sources (function() { var scribd = document.createElement("script"); scribd.type = "text/javascript"; scribd.async = true; scribd.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(scribd, s); })()

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Impact of Music on Intellectual Development :: Free Essays

The Impact of Music on Intellectual Development Listening to music has given people the opportunity to develop different types of appreciation and understanding for the music being played. Through the skills obtained one can develop qualities for their self for future development. Music allows people to grow intellectually by delivering the fundamental aspects of basic emotions or thoughts onto a page of music. When a symphony is playing an orchestrated piece of music, you can hear the large kettledrums setting the mood. Quick taps that crescendo to a loud abrupt halt or the steady, slow thundering thud of the bass drum can give us a sense of what the composer is trying to convey. This, along with the orchestra, allows us to feel the emotion in ourselves by the music that is being played. The music allows us to feel fright, anger, anticipation, or happiness, or other emotions that we have. When we are young, we are learning to recognize and label such emotions and thoughts. As we mature we are better able to comprehend and voice our feelings better by being able to recognize these feelings when they come upon us. Music gives us a way to develop and grow in ways that other intellectual stimulus cannot do for us. When hearing different scores of music we begin to develop an appreciation for the music pieces being played. We then may want to learn about who composed this piece of music, and where did that person live, and other vital information about the composer. We then may want to learn more about the different instruments being played in the orchestra. The drums are large and impressive and the woodwinds or the string instruments may seem delicate to use. Over a period of time our thinking has broadened and our intellectual capabilities have broadened. Music has a way of planting seeds for

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Pericles Funeral Speech :: essays research papers

Pericles’ Funeral Speech   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Athens democracy has some evident differences of its own system compared to Sparta’s. They do not copy anyone else form of government, but run theirs in a unique way. In Athens everyone seems to receive fair treatment and poverty is not a struggle they encounter. Pericle informs that the people are friendlier and more respectful neighbors that Athens neighbors. Their individual system is like no others. Athens provides many activities such as regular games and sacrifices. Therefore, he says because of their own success they can enjoy the wonders of other countries. The Athenian system is very successful and operates smoothly because of the determination and effort the people of Athens put forth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are some factors that made Athens and Sparta different that need to be addressed. First, Athens controls an â€Å"open city† where visitors can influence and share there knowledge about the â€Å"Athenian way.† In Sparta children are dealt with in a very strict and upright manner. The women of Sparta seemed to have more freedom and power in the household because they were separated from their husbands for large amounts of time and became accustomed to this way of living. They are highly educated to the point where they are smarter than the average person their age. In Athens things are a little more laid back. They learn and mature at their own pace and still end up highly knowledgeable. When in battle Athens brings just themselves while Sparta brings their whole confederacy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I believe that Athens had an advantage over Sparta. Even though both had their own individual strengths and came together to become one I believe Athens methods were stronger. The Athenians worked well together and seemed to be extremely spiritually motivated to overcome any obstacle. I also feel this way because the way they were brought up as children.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Facing the Facebook “Responce”

Facing the Facebook â€Å"Response† I’ve realized technology is very helpful now days but in the classrooms it’s more distracting than anything else. As Michael J. Bugeja stated in â€Å"Facing the Facebook†, Academics assessing learning outcomes often discover that technology is as much a distraction in the classroom as a tool. I catch myself checking my phone in class every now and then but when I do I miss out on what the instructor is teaching.Technology is a great tool for us to learn and gather information but when you put technology in the classroom it becomes more distracting than helpful. It isn’t rare to look around the classroom and see a few classmates on their cell phones, laptop or any other electronic device. Although instead of using technology to do research on the topic being discussed in class, most use it as a form of entertainment, which makes it hard to pay attention to the lecture being given by the instructor.As Bugejaâ€℠¢s essay tells the readers, â€Å"Increasingly, however, our networks are being used to entertain members of â€Å"The Facebook Generation† who text- message during class, talk on their cell phones during labs, and listen to iPods rather than guest speakers in the wireless lecture hall†. I’ve had my own personal experience where technology distracted me from learning and taking the proper notes for a test. Instead of paying attention to the instructor, I was texting a girl I had just met while the instructor was lecturing.That conversation made me miss out on the material that was going to be tested on. I ended up failing the test because I didn’t know what it was about. Not only does technology distract students, I’ve also witnessed a lot of my classmates fail the entire course because they got caught cheating on a test using their cell phones. As Bugeja said, â€Å"Professors and librarians encounter improper use of technology by students, and s ome of those cases go to judiciary officials who enforce the student code. † Before taking any test my instructor would always tell everybody to turn off the phones.I guess my friend didn’t have enough time to study for the final so he wrote a lot of the information given in class over the test in his phone. He forgot to put the phone on silent so when he received a text message it made a noise and the instructor heard. His phone got confiscated immediately and the instructor saw all the notes that he had wrote down. Not only did he fail the final for cheating he also failed the entire course. Now days if a student doesn’t use technology in class or isn’t involved in any social network sites, he or she may feel left out.As Michael Tracey said â€Å"One student chirped: ‘Ask them how many use Facebook. ‘ I did. Every hand in the room went up. She then said: ‘Ask them how many used it today. ‘ I did. Every hand in the room went up. I was amazed. † Searching for somebody on facebook is a lot easier now days then trying to look them up in a phone book. Everybody has a facebook so it’s pretty easy to find an old classmate. One time during lunch some friends and I were bringing up memories from high school and started wondering what happened to a particular person.I decided to search for her on facebook and in less than 5 minutes I found her. Technology is very distracting but at the same time its also very helpful. Overall technology is a great tool for us to learn and gather information. Books teach you all there is to know about everything but lets say you have a specific question its a lot more convenient to go online and use a search engine such as Google to answer the question rather than reading an entire book. But when you put technology in a classroom it becomes more distracting than helpful.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Food industry Essay

Food is the most important element of human survival. Food contains essential nutrients the human body requires to intake. From vitamins to calories, just a few of the nutrients that make a body function. Without food there is no survival; however, the way food is processed in America today, Americans might as well be dead. Furthermore, unhealthy products flood America’s food supply. A vast majority of these products are highly processed foods. Highly processes foods are extremely dangerous to one’s health (Squires).Process foods cause severe harm to the human body and furthermore lead to illnesses such as obesity, diabetes, and high cholesterol. (Squires). The way Food is manufactured in America today causes numerous of illness and sometimes death. Therefore, the United States Food and Drug Administration must rigorously regulate the food industry to efficiently maintain the safety of food. There are three vital motives why the Food and Drug Administration must regulat e the process of food. First, without stricter regulation, the quality of the livestock industry will steeply decline.Second, if not regulated, the high usage of high fructose corn syrup will continue to increase. Lastly, if the Food and Drug Administration does not regulate the process of food, the creation of genetically modified food will continue to occur. In all, the Food and Drug Administration must strictly regulate the livestock industry to preserve health of America. The United States Food and Drug Administration must rigorously regulate animal factories to effectively maintain the safety of meat. The Food and Drug Administration cannot allow animal factories to deliberately contaminant the food supply. By allowing existing methods to continue, it puts all consumers at great risk. Currently, animal factories utilize disgusting methods to minimize cost and maximize profit (They Eat What). These horrific methods consist of purposely distorting the nature of animal feed (They Eat What). The Union of Concerned Scientists published an article â€Å"They Eat What? † where they expose the animal factories of their horrific acts. The Union of Concerned Scientists state, â€Å"Many of the ingredients used in feed these days are not the kind of food the animals are designed by nature to eat†(They Eat What). This establishes that factories do what ever they desire; disregarding the fatal effects it can impose on animals let alone on human heath. Animals by nature are not supposed to consume the remains of the same species; however, factories continue to do so, as it maximizes profit by utilizing all parts on an animal (They Eat What). Diseased animals, same species meat, skin, blood, manure, and unhealthy portions of grain are all items consisting in animal feed (They Eat What). Furthering the argument, the Union of Concerned Scientists added. â€Å"Animal feed legally can contain rendered road kill, dead horses, and euthanized cats and dogs† (They Eat What). This low standard production of animal feed is simply repulsive. If the Food and Drug Administration do not enforce stricter regulations on the animal factories, only fatal side effects will follow. Serious human health concerns will steeply arise if this unacceptable method to nurture livestock continues. The outburst of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy also known as mad cow disease is a great example. Mad cow disease is a transmissible form of brain damage that occurs when rendered cattle are fed back to cattle. (They Eat What). This disease is extremely dangerous as it can be spread to humans. Humans can obtain a form of mad cow disease by consuming meat products that carry the disease (They Eat What). The Food and Drug Administration have taken steps in banning any methods that lead to mad cow disease. However, their lack of effectiveness has created of loophole in the system and animal factories are taking full advantage. The Union of Concerned Scientists presented evidence exposing the loophole in the Food and Drug Administration regulations. The Union of Concerned Scientists assert, â€Å"Under current law, pigs, chickens, and turkeys that have been fed rendered cattle can be rendered and fed back to cattle—a loophole that may allow mad cow agents to infect healthy cattle† (They Eat What). This is unacceptable. The Food and Drug Administration inherent purpose is to regulate any methods that cause harm to human beings, yet the fail to do so. It is unjust for the Food and Drug Administration to purposely allow the livestock industry to taint the production of meat. Therefore, if the Food and Drug Administration do not enforce stricter regulations the safety of livestock will only decline at extreme rates. However, there are other motives why the Food and Drug Administration must regulate the process of food. The United States Food and Drug Administration must rigorously regulate the amount of high fructose corn syrup used in food products, as it unsafe to consume. High fructose corn syrup is a cheaper form of sweetener derived from corn (Stossel). High fructose corn syrup is the ubiquitous sweetener in American products, as it is extremely inexpensive to produce (Stossel). Furthermore, the excessive usage of high fructose corn syrup has become the greatest contributor to the epidemic of cardiovascular disease (Flavin). Cardiovascular disease is the primary reason for premature death in America (Flavin). Cardiovascular diseases consist of obesity, diabetes, heart and kidney disease (Flavin). In modern America, the consumption of high fructose corn syrup has drastically increased. Sally Squires, a writer for the Washington Post wrote an article â€Å"Stealth Calories† where she exposed the high usage of high fructose corn syrup. Squires reveals, â€Å"Since the introduction of high-fructose corn syrup in 1966, U. S. consumption has reached about 60 pounds per person per year. †(Squires). This is ridiculous. Consuming such immense masses of high fructose corn syrup severely contributes to fatal diseases. No matter what processed food item an individual decides to eat, the common ingredient is high fructose corn syrup (Squires). High fructose corn syrup has flooded the food industry and continues to grow. The United States Food and Drug Administration must step in and regulate the amount of high fructose corn syrup a company applies to its products. If regulations are not enforced, the doses of high fructose corn syrup will continue to increase. Barry M. Popkin, a nutrition professor for The University of North Carolina, has published an article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that widely display the dangers of sugar-sweetened drinks. Popkin states, â€Å"The increase in consumption of HFCS has a temporal relation to the epidemic of obesity, and the overconsumption of HFCS in calorically sweetened beverages may play a role in the epidemic of obesity†(Qtd. in Hyman). Thus, it can be established that consuming large amounts of high fructose corn syrup does indeed lead to obesity. High fructose corn syrup is absorbed quicker than regular sugar. As a result, high fructose corn syrup prevents the body from signalizing that it is full and thus leads to (Hyman). Therefore, by exceeding the standard caloric intake, symptoms of obesity quickly arise. Hence, it is evident that The United States Food and Drug Administration must strictly control the amount of high fructose corn syrup a company applies to its products. However, there are other important reasons why the Food and Drug Administration must regulate the food industry. The United States Food and Drug Administration must rigorously regulate genetically modified foods because they are unsafe. Genetically modified foods are engineered foods that have been deeply depraved as a result of genetic alteration (Heit). Furthermore, genetic alterations consist of extracting genes from other plants or animals and inserting them in the chosen product to produce desired traits (Heit). However, this method has severely tainted the healthiness of food. A vast number of studies have linked genetically modified foods in an extensive variety of health problems, ranging from organ damage to immune dysfunction (Gutierrez). Not only are genetically modified foods harmful to animals, they can also be harmful to humans. David Gutierrez a staff writer for the Natural News wrote an article â€Å"Doctors Warn About Dangers of Genetically Modified Food† where he exposed the fatal flaws of genetically modified foods. Gutierrez states, â€Å"Animals consuming crops that have been genetically modified to produce the pesticide Bt (approved for human consumption in the United States) have died by the thousands, while animals grazing on a non-GM version of the same crops remained unharmed†(Gutierrez). This evidence is overwhelming. If genetically modified foods are fatal to animals, one can affirm that this harm will carry over to human beings. Animals are dying at exponential rates as a result of consuming genetically modified foods; yet the United States continues to allow these methods of production to occur. By allowing the production of genetically modified foods, the fatality rates of animals and humans will continue to escalate. Hence, it can be established that consuming these genetically modified products drastically increases the probability of developing a fatal disease. Therefore, the United States cannot allow these food production methods to continue. In addition, scientific experiments have shown numerous rats suffer as a result of consuming genetically modified foods (Gutierrez). Through extensive observations, it has been revealed that female rats that have been fed genetically modified foods experience a drastically higher infant death rate (Gutierrez). Likewise, male rats suffer as there testicles change from a pink to a blue color (Gutierrez). As long as the food supply is produced by means of genetic modification, food will continue to mutate genes in a destructive ways. Therefore, it is evident that genetically modified foods will severely harm humans. Similarly, additional analyses have indicated that genetically modified foods contain significantly higher concentrations of allergens and toxins (Gutierrez). As a result of genetic mixing, the allergens and toxins of one item are transferred to the other (Smith). Hence, by consuming genetically modified foods, unknown allergic reactions can occur (Smith). In recent research, scientists have found high dosage of peanut protein in soybeans (Smith). Consequently, an individual who is allergic to peanuts can have an allergic reaction by consuming soybeans (Smith). This is absurd. Consumers are blindly digesting products that may be deadly to their health. It is unjust for consumers to endure an allergic reaction as a result of genetic mutation. Therefore, the United States Food and Drug Administration must regulate genetically modified products to preserve the health of consumers. In all, the safety of all food in America is in a crucial situation. The United States Food and Drug Administration must rigorously regulate factories, scientists and other food manufactories to preserve the health of American consumers. If not regulated, the safety of livestock and crops will only steeply decline and thus affecting the health of human beings. The diseases of mad cow disease, fatal allergies caused by genetically modified crops, and high usage of high fructose corn syrup are the greatest concerns for the Food and Drug Administration. Therefore it is evident that the United States Food and Drug Administration must rigorously regulate the food industry to efficiently maintain the safety of food. Works Cited Dana Flavin. â€Å"Metabolic Danger of High-Fructose Corn Syrup. † Life Extension Magazine. Life Extension. Dec 2008. Web. 1 June 2013. David Gutierrez. â€Å"Doctors Warn About Dangers Of Genetically Modified Food. † Natural News. Truth Publishing International. 25 Feb 2010. Web. 28 May 2013. Jeffery Heit. â€Å"Genetically Engineered Foods. † Medline Plus. [N. p. ]: 7 May 2012. Web. 28 May 2013. Jeremy Smith. â€Å"Genetically Engineered Foods May Cause Rising Food Allergies. † Institute for Responsible Technology. [N. p. ]: May 2007. 30 May 2013. Mark Hyman. â€Å"The Not-So-Sweet Trust About High Fructose Corn Syrup. † Huffington Healthy Living. The Huffington post. 16 May 2011. Web. 29 June 2013. Richard Stossel. â€Å"The Dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup. † Natural News. Truth Publishing International. 11 Oct 2008. Web. 28 May 2013. Sally Squires. â€Å"Stealth Calories. † The Washington Post. The Washington Post Company. 6 Feb 2007. Web. 1 June 2013. â€Å"They Eat What. † Union of Concered Scientists. SIRS Issues Researcher. 8 Aug 2006. Web. 27 May 2013. â€Å"65 Health Risks of GM Foods. † Institute for Responsible Technology. [N. p. ]: N. d. Web. 1 June 2013.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Coca Cola Case Study Essay

Coca Cola is the most popular drink I have decided to change both the packaging of the drink and the flavouring. This will be quite a challenging task to do, as I will have to do a lot of research on the existing product first. Research work will involve for example looking in the Internet and e-mailing to existing companies for information packs etc. I will offer all the opportunity to customers (people) and listen to there comments on my design of product comparing it to the original product, of course this will be first done by questionnaires and surveys etc. so different peoples views will be analysed at the end and the results will show me if my product will be successful in the market. My objective is basically to research into the different kinds of flavours that I could use to make the product Coca Cola this will also mean asking customers if they would prefer the logo itself to be changed aswell as the packaging. I will only make this product if there is a need in the market as if there is no need in the market my product will not sell which will mean I will not be making a profit. I will also need to consider the following: Taste Flavour Amount of flavouring Wrapping Texture Other please specify Other than the above I will also need to find out exactly how well the drink is selling at present to see just what other changes may be needed. Marketing is concerned with identifying customer’s needs and satisfying those needs at a profit in such a way that the customers come back again and recommend the firm to their friends. Marketing involves everything that an organisation has to make happen if customers are to be satisfied with its products. This is the reason why I have chose to market a mobile phone to my customers as there is a wider market out there for this product. In order for organisations to satisfy customers effectively and successfully, they would need to assess customer needs. By marketing my product I have met consumer needs and this involves developing strategies, which are then translated into a series of marketing plans. Marketing is, therefore, a planned purpose, which by ensuring a business satisfies customers needs and meets its business objectives helps it to outperform its rivals which I think I would be successful in doing as there is the younger generation who are constantly purchasing mobile phones and there is a great market out there. I would need to think about my objectives and in order to do that I would need to research about my product, plan everything out, take steady and smooth actions and try to be in control so that my product sells and then I may be able to meet my objectives. In order to implement a marketing strategy this requires making many decisions: What is the market? Non-competitive market Competitive market Monopoly Oligopoly How do we segment the market? Working out all the possible markets for a good is called segmentation and each part of the market a segment. What are the wants & needs of each segment? Businesses produce goods and services to meet the wants and needs of consumers everybody has wants and needs. What is the best price? If the demand for a good or service starts to increase, prices will follow and suppliers will devote more resources to producing that good or service. Which promotional method should be used? An efficient network of communications is essential for successful promotional activity. The promotional mix comprises all the marketing and promotional objectives of the marketing mix. How should we distribute the product/service? And changing environments mean that marketers’ needs for information are never ending. Social & cultural environment Economic Environment Political & legal environment Technological environment (E1) Produce a marketing strategy for a product or service with a clear understanding of the principles of marketing The marketing principle Many organizations think of marketing as sales. Others think of it as advertising. Twenty years ago students learned the four â€Å"p’s† of marketing: product, place, price and promotion, and today it’s the four â€Å"c’s:† customer, competition, cost and communication. Basically the definition of the market place is continually changing. Because of the fact I will be carrying a similar task, which will involve me to change or make my own product I will have to consider the following: Satisfying – Every and each customer wants their necessities to be met. Matching customers’ needs and expectations demands detailed answers to questions. They want the right goods, at the right time, at the right price. Because my product will be based on a soft drink many consumers would want to try new drinks so I will have to set a reasonable price for it to be sold at to satisfy customers. For example the drink coca cola is aimed at every one and also is reasonably priced. Identify: I would need to consider answering questions like how I will have to keep in touch with customer’s thoughts and feelings and perception about my goods and service? This would also involve identifying what features customers would prefer to have in my good/service. Anticipating: This involves looking at the future aswell as the present. I would need to consider what the public would like to have today and tomorrow. Baring in mind that consumer requirements change all the time such as people become richer and they might buy expensive drinks and even alcohol because they have more money so they would spend on a expensive drink so they stand out from the crowd. Communicating effectively with customers to satisfy their expectations: In order for me to produce any promotional activity I will need to communicate with my customers this would help me to find out there expectations and build an image with the world at large. Images would help others to form a judgment about what the organization stands for, and will influence their dealings with it. The way we communicate our product or service is part of the persuasion process, which would persuade customers to buy the product at whatever price. The ways that customers are persuaded comes under the promotional mix. In order to achieve the promotional objectives the marketing and promotional communication methods are used which come under the promotional mix. These can be broken down into two areas: 1. Controllable and 2. Non-controllable. Non-controllable communication – This includes marketing messages such as a result of word of mouth, personal recommendation or what customers think of a product or service, depending on how long a family has been using the product/service. Designer labels and brands influence consumers spending power. Controllable communication – These include messages that are carefully directed to achieve an organization’s promotional objectives. Such as: Advertisements- messages sent to the media to inform or influence the people who receive them. Direct mail-personally addressed advertising sent through the post. Sales promotions-techniques designed to increase sales, such as money-off coupons, free samples and competitions. Coca Cola should therefore study the communication process carefully. It should have a clear idea of what the message is whom it is sent to and what the outcome of sending it is. They should communicate effectively to always persuade consumers to go out to buy it and also have new advertising to persuade them after a while. Profitability: Profit is the key for marketing. If I don’t make a profit there is no point of me trading I will not be able to satisfy customers requirements or identify there anticipation without the resources to put into out going marketing activities. I need to develop Coca cola in order to achieve profits, which is what my objective for the marketing strategy is. I will need to consider a low price and a quality design. I would be able to see if the demand for Coca Cola has Increased or decreased after developing the product. I could improve it by changing the packaging, adding a different taste or flavour, design, price. I will need to consider the results of my questionnaires, which will be obtained from my primary and secondary research before I start making any changes to my product, as consumers will be asked if they would buy my developed product. Understanding Customer Needs: In order for me to make my final product a success I will need to anticipate change. This includes the age structure of the population and consumers income. Market research is the antenna of an organisation from which you could obtain accurate results of what drinks consumers prefer or what they suggest they would like to have changing to the product. This is where marketing research starts. I would need to consider what consumers would like in order to satisfy customers needs and wants which will show if my product is going to become successful. Most marketing activities are therefore designed to meet the needs of groups of customers within a market. I would need to find a sample of my consumers in order to find out their wants and needs so that I could produce or develop a product that satisfies them. The product is the first element in the marketing mix and the rest of the elements would need to be considered later. These may include developing the pricing for the product or service provided, working out how to distribute (place) goods to the customers, as well as how to promote them. Coca cola would need to understand customer, needs to be able to sell their product. In order to produce a product that will make them profit at the end of the day and customer’s wants could be met according to their needs. (E2) Appropriately identify, collect and use primary and secondary data relevant to the marketing strategy If you were to survey 100 people asking them do they drink Coca Cola this would be a difficult question to answer as Coca Cola can be found in several different brands. Some would prefer to choose a Coca Cola – Diet or light or classic, with cherry or with lemon, or with or without caffeine. About five years ago this would be a question that would be feasible to answer, as then Coca Cola existed in it’s original form. A survey that I conducted shows that many people preferred the original Coca Cola. However the results reveal that majority of them (i.e. 17 out of 20) are not satisfied with the packaging of the drink and would like it to be more colorful aswell as in various designs rather than just in one ‘rather boring’ design which has the been the same for quite so many years now. Another feature that customers (from the 20 people I interviewed) would like to see changes and improvements to is the size of the product. Further questioning revealed that th e reason for improving the size i.e. up to 5 litres would be convenient when holding family parties. These findings were very useful to me as they made me realize what the publics demand is and what I need to do to make the product acceptable in the market, which in return would help me make a profit. The twenty people I asked replied on the basis of looking at media, which is one of the things that influences the market. They thought that advertising was a good way to promote Coca Cola, as it is very common and popular. The secondary data shows advertisements are sold in spots and the daytime spots cost less because there are little audiences. Many people watch television in the evening the most as they relax so most of the advertisements are on then, and also mainly in the mornings as a lot of people turn the television on in the mornings. Out door advertising- poster sites in Britain are mainly in big cities alongside main roads close top the cities. They includes the sides and backs of buses, banners and boards at football and other sports events, both the inside and outside of London and other city taxis, bus shelters, and boards at bus and railway stations. Advertising time on TV is sold in ‘spots’ ranging from one minute down to seven seconds. Daytime spots, when audiences are low cost less than those do in ‘Peak time’- the evening when millions of people may be watching Independent Television. Most evenings from 5.30 p.m. to about 10.30 p.m. is peak viewing time when TV audiences are largest. The ITV companies usually show the same programmes, though they may show different advertisements. In the UK, ITV (including GMTV), channel 4 and channel 5 (1997), show advertisements between programmes and in intervals within the programmes themselves. A half- minute spot in mid-evening on a weekday could cost à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1,250 on Grampian Television whereas a similar spot time cost on Carlton Television might be à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½23,000. One company, Grampian Television, serves only about 2,023,000 homes, but the London Region, whose programmes are provided by Charlton Television during the week and by London Weekend Televisions at weekends, has about 5,491,000 homes- 2 and a half times as many. TV advertising time in Britain is sold on the ‘spot’ system. A ‘spot’ can last for a few seconds as with many of the ‘still’ advertisements for local stops or for a minute or even occasionally more. ‘Spots’ are bunched into breaks which may contain just one advertisement, though this is rare, or several. Each of the programme companies charge different rates, or prices, for its spot time. It is not hard to see why. In 1998, à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½14,307 million was spent on advertising in Britain. Over 80 per cent of this was spent on display advertising of goods and services in the press, on television, radio, posters, direct mail and in the cinema. The remaining 20 per cent or so bought classified advertising (small ads), Financial and legal notices, company announcements, and recruitment advertising (job ads) and advertising in the business and professional press. Companies also spend substantial sums on other forms of communication but statistics are not always available. However, it is estimated that in 1995 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½750 million was spent on exhibitions in Britain and substantial sums are also spent on sponsorship, sales promotion, mail order and other forms of activity.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

5 Ps of Logistics

Logistics Careers ShareThis Distribution and logistics encompasses a vast industry, from manufacturing, transportation, wholesale and retail, healthcare, pharmaceutical and warehousing industries. In any firm, in any city or state logistic careers are numerous. The demand for getting things on time is logistics and distributions main goal. There are plenty of workers involved in this operation. There are drivers, fork lift operator, sorter, packers, haulers, supervisors, managers,  clerks; traffic, receiving and shipping. In 2010, there are more than 800,000 workers employed in logistics.The US military is also one of the largest employers especially in cities where there are military installations. This article will briefly describer the most common logistics jobs  in the industry. Shipping, traffic, and receiving  clerks  are the most numerous  logistics careers. Their responsibility is to make sure they keep the smooth flow of goods from place to another. They unpack and pack items for storage and delivery, and carry out clerical functions altogether. They also maintain precise records of good coming in our going out of the distribution centers or warehouse.Manufacturing, wholesale, and retail industries are the most common workplaces of the traffic, receiving, and shipping clerks. They receive the items from the suppliers and ship the goods to the customers. In larger companies receiving, shipping and traffic clerks are performed independently. In smaller firms, all three functions are carried out by one person only. Logistics careers  like the shipping clerk are responsible for shipping the goods from the warehouse to the customers. The check the items carefully that is retrieved from the warehouse or stockroom and makes sure the list are in order for each customer.If the items or goods are not available, he or she alerts the customers by phone fax or email. The items are then packed and checked again for shipping. The items and parcels are wei ghed and then recorded, labelled, and include other documents such as freight cost, invoice and receipts. They also supervise the loading of merchandise on delivery trucks ready for delivery. The receiving clerk on the other hand works much like the shipping clerks. They receive the goods delivered and check it carefully to see if the items delivered are correct and in good shape.They check the items delivered against the order form and invoice. If the receiving clerk finds the items damaged or lost, he or she immediately notifies the shipping firm to compensate for the damaged or lost goods. The receiving clerk is responsible for moving the goods from the delivery truck on to the stock room or warehouse. The maintain records of the items received for later checking. Receiving clerks also use bar coding to track the items accurately. This makes it easier for inventory clerk to keep track of the items present in the warehouse.The receiving clerk may use software for the job. Computer training is also important for many firms for streamlining the operations. The traffic clerks are responsible for maintaining the shipping records. They are responsible also for recording the items’ freight charges, weight, and destination of the goods. They use software to track changes on freight charges against the current prices in their database. They also keep records of damaged goods fro claims purposes or reimbursements for overpriced charges during shipping. These are the three most common  logistic careers  in distribution.A  high school diploma  is required for logistic careers as shippers, receivers, and traffic clerks. Basic knowledge of computer operation training is also part of the job training. Shippers, receivers, and traffic clerks should be well built for the job because it involves a lot of lifting and walking all day. Most of the training is received on the job such as labeling, bar-coding, encoding, maintaining records, shipping, and receiving items. The annual average salaries for shippers, traffic, and receivers range from $40,000 and $45,000 dollars. These salaries depend much on the size of the company.Larger companies’ salary is much higher. Just because you already got the job that you are eyeing for doesn’t mean you have to stop networking. In fact, when you start in your new job you need to start networking because you’re going to be judged early so if you want to be judged as someone who wants to make things happen, introduce yourself to your coworkers to increase your visibility without appearing pompous. You can find more logistic job listings by visiting LogisticsCrossing. com and signing up for a risk free trial today to find jobs that are just right for you!If you become a  medical file clerk, you will be a part of a very important function in the health care field. In this position, you are required to take charge of medical documents that are very important. A lot of medical file cle rks are also in charge of a variety of other clerical duties are required to possess clerical skills that are needed to be performed in the office. Function As a medical file clerk, you are required to maintain patient medical records and have them organized alphabetically and numerically. You will also have to clear out old files and materials in the office.It is important that they keep all files updated. They are also required to ensure that all files are filled out thoroughly. Geography Medical file clerks  work within different settings, including hospitals, government agencies, labs, private physician practices and nursing homes. Considerations In order to become a medical file clerk, you will have to have a  high school diploma. It is also required that you have office and computer experience. You must have good people skills and communication skills. You will have to be organized and like the idea of helping others.Time management is another skill set employers look for. Expert Insight The average annual salaries of medical  file clerks  was $23,800 back in 2008. The salaries available all depend on where you live, who you are employed by and your experience and educational background. | | | | | | | | | | | SUMMARY Logistics careers means distribution and logistics encompasses a vast industry, from manufacturing, transportation, wholesale and retail, healthcare, pharmaceutical and warehousing industries. In any firm, in any city or state logistic careers are numerous.Logistics management  is an important part of the business operation where the flow and storage of goods is carefully planned, implemented and controlled. This helps it to be efficient and effective. Other services and other important information are related between the starting point and the point of consumption to meet the personal and legal requirements of the client. Thus  logistics manager jobs  and  logistics analyst job  opportunities are very important and in-dema nd nowadays. If you will only take your time to search, you can find a lot of  logistics manager  vacancies if you only know where to find them.There are plenty of workers involved in this operation. There are drivers, fork lift operator, sorter, packers, haulers, supervisors, managers, clerk, and traffic, receiving and shipping. In 2010, there are more than 800,000 workers employed in logistics. If you become a  medical file clerk, you will be a part of a very important function in the health care field. In this position, you are required to take charge of medical documents that are very important. A lot of medical file clerks are also in charge of a variety of other clerical duties are required to possess clerical skills that are needed to be performed in the office.This article will briefly describer the most common logistic job  in the industry. Other than that, logistics careers like the shipping clerk are responsible for shipping the goods from the warehouse to the cus tomers. The check the items carefully that is retrieved from the warehouse or stockroom and makes sure the list are in order for each customer. If the items or goods are not available, he or she alerts the customers by phone fax or email. The items are then packed and checked again for shipping. The items and parcels are weighed and then recorded, labelled, and include other documents such as freight cost, invoice and receipts.They also supervise the loading of merchandise on delivery trucks ready for delivery. Besides that, a  high school diploma  is required for logistic careers as shippers, receivers, and traffic clerks. Basic knowledge of computer operation training is also part of the job training. Shippers, receivers, and traffic clerks should be well built for the job because it involves a lot of lifting and walking all day. Most of the training is received on the job such as labelling, bar-coding, encoding, maintaining records, shipping, and receiving items. Make sure to understand the job descriptions for the different vacancies.Logistics manager jobs,  also called distribution managers, oversee or supervise the distribution, transportation and storage of goods and services and ensure that the customers, whether it is suppliers or consumers are satisfied. They are in charge of everything that is happening in between the manufacturer or producer and consumer. This includes the acquisition of materials, production, and transportation up until distribution to the customers themselves. Logistics analyst  jobs deal with the planning and coordination of  logistics operations  of a company.They have to study and analyze operations such as acquisition of raw materials, distribution and packaging of products and the handling of products by personnel. Just because you already got the job that you are eyeing for doesn’t mean you have to stop networking. In fact, when you start in your new job you need to start networking because you’re going to be judged early so if you want to be judged as someone who wants to make things happen, introduce yourself to your co-workers to increase your visibility without appearing pompous.

Friday, September 13, 2019

How has Globalization shaped Energy Systems in Emerging Economies and Essay

How has Globalization shaped Energy Systems in Emerging Economies and the Global South Illustrate your answer in reference to y - Essay Example History Though no consensus exists in the emergence of globalization, many historians, and social scientists have come up with different views of globalization history (Lule, 2012:22). Nevertheless, the majority of these scholars agree that globalization emerged during the first movement of people out of Africa into other parts of the world (Young and Kent, 2013:443). This is the case because the immigration caused interaction, exchange, and adaptation of customs, ideas, and products. The term globalization emerged in the 1960s, but it first appeared in the Merriam website dictionary in 1944.The term later became popular in the 1990s and the first article containing globalization content became published in 1983. Definition A general definition that befits globalization is that it is a process, which encompasses several aspects like route, origin, and outcomes of both intercultural and international combinations involving human and non-human activities. However, there still lies a he ated debate on the real definition of globalization. Diverse authors’ argue that globalization cannot undergo definitions; neither can it be encompassed within a set period simply because it is not a single concept. This means that globalization involves and encompasses vast aspects like economic incorporation, transmission of knowledge, inter-border transfer of policies, cultural stability, and discourse of power among many others. Therefore, globalization covers a multitude of disciplines, cultures and communities, which allows a range of viewpoints. This has resulted to various definitions from vast scholars who base their interpretation on the background of different disciplines. For instance, peter dicken argues on the economic perspective by claiming that globalization is an intricate and advanced form of internationalization that fosters a level of functional incorporation between internationally dispersed economic activities (Anderson, 2000:6-7). Other authors chip in and argue on cultural basis where he suggests that globalization is another image that influences cultural forms and patterns as well as drawing attention to the union of cultural styles as western forms of consumption that spreads all over the globe. Additionally, Amin and Thrift 1997, add up political definition by arguing that globalization is essentially about changes in the way the world performs its governance (Hennis, 2005:14). Another definition emerges from sociology whereby Robertson 1992 claims that globalization is a process where the constraints of geography on cultural and social arrangements withdraw, and that it's also a process where people become increasingly aware that they are withdrawing or receding (Robertson, 1992:10). Nevertheless, in spite of the vast globalization definitions offered by different authors, globalization is inherently geographical in its scope and impacts because it the physical expansion of the geographical domain of the globe, which means that it is an increase in scale and volume of global flows. How Globalization shaped Energy Systems in South Africa South African energy overview Before analyzing the impact of globalization in South Africa’s energy system, it is crucial to review the country's energy system. South Africa is among the largest and most developed countries in Africa. It also has