Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Women in Leadership Roles

This report examines the research on gender equity in educational leadership published since 1997until 2010. Even though women attaining jobs in school leadership has increased, women still do not fill administrative positions in comparison to men. The majority of research related to women and leadership examines the barriers women face in entering or moving up in the leadership hierarchy. Looking at the differences and similarities in how men and women take on and exercise leadership roles, the authors of the articles suggest ideas based on biological, psychological and sociological theories that stress gender difference. The article, â€Å"Re-thinking educational leadership: exploring the impact of cultural and belief systems† written by Shah, discusses how education and educational leadership theories and practices are influenced by culture and belief systems; with a focus on gender in Muslim societies. The first priority of Muslim women was to look after their family; therefore, before taking on any professional responsibility they had to ensure that no decisions or actions brought shame to their family or extended families. According to Shah, the Muslim women who participated in leadership positions often felt powerless because their decisions and actions were regularly scrutinized by men. The second article, â€Å"Gender Differences Among New Recruits to School Administration: Cautionary Footnotes to an Optimistic Tale† written by Riehl and Byrd discusses the factors affecting leadership among men and women in elementary and secondary education. Even though the women were as highly educated as the men, the men often were given many more opportunities. Women were still seen as displaying nurturing characteristics in their leadership style. The article also discusses women’s leadership aspirations to that of their male counterparts. The third article, â€Å"School leadership, sex and gender: welcome to difference† written by Kruger brings into light the biological differences in genetic make up of men and women. It discusses how different hormones and brain structure are the reasons for differences in behaviour and personality among men and women, which is considered a deciding factor in their leadership styles. Kruger also examines how the environment plays an important role in the realization of gender differences in leadership. The last article, â€Å"Gender and educational Leadership in England: a comparison of secondary headteachers’ views over time† written by Coleman discusses the expectations of women and men as principals in England in the 1990`s and in 2004. The article focuses on women with regards to work and personal life. Coleman reports that women have larger roles at work and at home, whereas men generally concern themselves with work only. Notably, women were seen as inferior so they adopted male work ethics. The results of Coleman’s studies are similar to those in other countries. It was very interesting to review the articles I chose to better understand the ways that educational leadership is perceived with respect to gender in the education system. As I continued to review the research, I thought it was of importance to examine the differing leadership styles and barriers, along with the similarities women faced in both western and non-western cultures. Throughout this inquiry I will cite several reasons for the low proportion of women as educational leaders. According to Shah, â€Å"Men and women are conceptually divided into two separate worlds. Home is defined as a woman’s legitimate ideological and physical space, while a man dominates the world outside the home† (p. 31). With the ever-changing society, Muslim women started exploring their options and took more of an active role outside the home. Interestingly, the women who attained positions of leadership worked in the women-only establishments. It was troublesome for a woman to work in a mixed gender environment because their educational decisions went through a male counterpart, regardless of their seniority. Women still held strong beliefs and values with respect to education; similar to western cultures, but the notion of women in a male dominated hierarchy was still considered problematic. I strongly believe that family and home responsibilities are still more likely to affect the career paths of women than of men today as they pursue administrative positions. Riehl and Byrd also believe that gender plays a major factor in the career development process to the degree that men and women encounter different circumstances, act differently, and/or experience different outcomes. The theoretical explanations that have emerged are as follows: women have not been socialized to aspire to administrative roles or to prepare for them, higher level jobs were designed to exclude women and school leadership is located in male dominance in society overall, not just educational (p. 46). I believe society as a whole is more accepting of these barriers now; however, these issues are still evident, but not as strong. Similar to today, women as teachers and principals were more likely to be found at the elementary level and men at the secondary level. While I do see many women teaching as previously mentioned, it was interesting to hear that men at their level receive more administrative practice, thus leading to senior administrative positions. Also, the amount of education one received didn’t play a huge factor in the hiring process. According to Riel and Bryd even the objective factors such as â€Å"obtaining education or experience increased women’s chances of becoming administrators, they did not bring women’s chances to parity with men’s† (p. 61). Kruger also examines gender differences but relates it to the biological sex differences in school leadership. Women by nature have a more caring, nurturing personality and this influences their administrative styles in a male dominant society. Kruger found that: â€Å"women are stronger educational leaders than their male colleagues. They carry out more educational activities and spend more time on educational matters than men. Women are more focused on instruction and education, on the school goals, they are higher on creating a positive culture and an orderly learning atmosphere, they have a stronger classroom orientation, they reward teachers more often and they create more professional development opportunities for teachers† (p. 62). It appears as though women are strong educational leaders; however, we have learned throughout this course that male and female styles tend to differ even when they occupy the same leadership role. Women, who already face enough resistance and obstacles in a male dominated field, find their leadership styles are judged more harshly by men; however thi s is not the same for the men. According to Kruger, â€Å"Women who display male leadership styles are more negatively judged compared with those who do not, but men with a female leadership style do not seem to be more negatively judged† (p. 164). Despite these factors more women tend to work under male principals then they do women. The reason for this is perhaps do to personality conflicts they may have with the same sexes on ideas of what successful administration entails. Another deciding factor in this is that women tend to be more education rooted and become administrators because out of their desire to improve education, whereas men take on administer roles mainly for the salary. Coleman’s research states that the stereotypical leader is a white, heterosexual, middle class male; therefore, women are often viewed as outsiders in a position of leadership. Coleman identifies various factors effecting women’s likelihood of becoming leaders such as â€Å"discrimination, lack of confidence, hesitation in making career plans, stereotyped into ‘caring’ pastoral roles that were then not seen as fitting them for leadership and there were multiple difficulties for women in combining a family and career† (p. 385). Women’s leadership styles were seen as passive and gentle, while men were stronger and more decisive. In 2004, only half of the women surveyed report experience in discrimination related to advancements due to the likelihood of being labeled a feminist (Coleman, p. 86). Surprisingly, the traditional male style leadership has given way to more feminine styles of leadership. Males have been seen as putting work first over family at all times, which has influenced women to the point of minimizing maternity leave and foregoing their desire to be supportive figures to younger women. Throughout this course we have discussed various effective educational leadership practices. Leaders should be able to adapt their leadership styles according to the situation. Therefore, change is necessary if we want to move ahead in our respective field. The passive, nurturing, education orientated and productive styles depicted by women in these articles are accepted today by both genders in leadership positions. Noteworthy, a strong dominant leader is not always effective or seen as an acceptable style. As a teacher, I often see different leadership styles and can conclude that men and women at times see things differently. In conclusion, the role of women in educational leadership positions continues to evolve; however, there still needs to be work done in order to ensure equality. If one were to look at our current list of administrators in the school board they would notice that there is significant higher ratio of male to female administrators. The females are often placed in small, rural elementary schools or are the vice-principals of secondary schools. I truly believe women will always face barriers while trying to attain leadership positions; however, if we work together, take charge and voice our opinions things may change in the upcoming years.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Best Solution

To Inform and persuade your audience that a specific problem exists, It Is serious, and It affects them. Time: 6-8 minutes Topic: Choose a topic that interests you and would probably interest your audience (the class). Consider what your audience already knows about this topic and what their attitude about this topic will be. Do not choose something the audience already knows a lot about. This topic must be presented in a persuasive manner; if the majority of your speech Is informative, you will fail this speech.Requirements: You must Inform and persuade the audience of a position on a topic you have researched. – You must Identify a problem, explain several possible solutions (preferably 3 or more), and then convince your audience of the best overall solution. Identify the opposition, then defeat it with your position's/view's support. – You must use at least one technology-based visual aid (ELM with 2 or more pix, chart, diagram, etc†¦ Power Point, video (Youth o r DVD/VS..), or other audio/visual aids, etc†¦ Oh may use additional non-technology based visual aids if you want) – must prepare & type an outline, to be turned in right before you present. Must orally cite at least four published or copyrighted sources as support. – must type a Works Cited of your sources to be turned in with your outline. – may use no more than TWO note cards (ex.) – keywords or phrases only! – write out your entire speech word for word on the note cards! You DO NOT *You must have teacher approval for your topic, and you will not present the same topic as another student. Oh do not complete this speech, you will NOT receive credit for the course, regardless of your current grade. Persuasive Problem-solution Where do I start? Problem – Convince us the problem exists and Is serious! Use persuasive language and powerful, colorful word choice to make a major impact on your audience (especially with Pathos) Examples: If w e do not do something†¦ We must recognize†¦ †¦ Wiped from existence. †¦ Slow, agonizing and painful death (then show VA) †¦ Perished forever.State an opinion then a fact to back it up, or a fact then an opinion with either a persuasive tone Word use a rhetorical question. – If we do not do something about the AIDS epidemic, entire generations and races will be wiped from existence. We must recognize that life is about more than money and cars; our world, our future is in grave danger. OPINION] Millions have perished from this disease, and it is projected that by the year 2014, 60 million more people will die a slow, agonizing and painful death.So by the time some of you graduate from high school or college, the Indianapolis population will be destroyed over 60 times or the world will bury over 17,143 North Central-sized schools. [FACT] – Millions have perished from this disease, and it is projected that by the year 2014, 60 million more people will die a slow, agonizing and painful death. So by the time some of you graduate from high school or college, the Indianapolis population ill be destroyed over 60 times or the world will bury over 17,143 North Central-sized schools. FACT] If we do not do something about the AIDS epidemic, entire generations and races will be wiped from existence. We must recognize that life is about more than money and cars; our world, our future is in grave danger. Or is life just not that precious to you? [OPINION] You do not have to overload your speech with lots of numbers and facts – 2-3 good opinions with facts to back up the opinion or 2-3 facts with connecting opinions, like the examples provided, are all you need. Solution – You can use solutions that are already out there, but not currently in use.You Just have to work out the kinks; meaning, why are these solutions not being used? Then, decide on the best solution to this problem – is it one thing or is it a combinat ion off couple of the stated solutions. Show us pictures of the world with (and possibly without) the problem. Be very visual and descriptive Paint us a mental picture with your words. What should we (as society) expect after your solution is implemented? Action – Give us contact information- hotness numbers, shelters, government agencies ND advocates, web addresses, postal addresses, etc†¦

Monday, July 29, 2019

Chinese Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Chinese Religion - Essay Example Islam is another religion that combines beliefs from various religions. With this characteristic, there would be no question that Islam could easily be syncreticized with Confucianism. Christianity might be difficult to syncretize because like Islam, it is also a monotheistic religion but unlike the other, Christianity evolved from only one major religion, Judaism. However, probably, when placed in juxtaposition with Confucianism, Christianity would be questioned as to the belief in Jesus, who was like Confucius, was a man considered to have a higher level of understanding than the common people. This places both men to the same level as to the question of their deity. Considering syncretizing Christianity with Confucianism, such argument might crack some space in the former for the latter to penetrate it and might just allow a small possibility. One religion that might have remained unadulterated by other religions is Judaism. So far, even Christianity which came from Judaism is greatly sneered and questioned by Judaism because they cannot comprehend how one man, Jesus, would be considered equal to God. Judaism started from the Hebrew patriarch Abraham, being chosen by God to become the father of a people He would call his own and live in accordance to His commandments. The Jews do not just trace their lineage to Abraham but also trace the model of faith to his life especially when it comes to the sacrifice of his son to God as a test of his faith. His life became a testimony of what God could do for the Israelites, providing for their needs as He provided for Abraham, making him rich during his time; protecting them from their enemies as He did to their forefather who won wars and was spared of diseases. However, in exchange for the favors, God asks the Jews to obey His commandments like not worshipping other gods, making images of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Contemporary Issues in International Business Essay

Contemporary Issues in International Business - Essay Example Thus, globalisation has very strong economic, governmental, educational and social dimensions. Globalisation is the way by which people, companies and government of different nations integrate and interact with each other. The process of globalisation has effects on the cultures, atmosphere, governmental systems, economic developments, wealth and on individual’s physical comfort in nations all around the globe (Hill, 2009). Globalisation is the process by which normal life around the globe is noticeable by calibration of communication, transportation, financial activity, Ecological and social interdependence. As a term, globalization is very often used to refer to economic globalization that is integration of national economies into the international economy through foreign direct investment, trade, capital, migration, spread of technology and flows. Globalization has melted national borders, international business has improved economic incorporation and the communication and information revolution has made time and geography irrelevant. Globalisation has a comparatively new thought and idea that the world has been implementing. OPPORTUNITIES: There are thousands of opportunities for career advancement, profit and valuable experience in international business. As Entrepreneurs come to grips with contemporary challenges and new opportunities, they define the new rules of engagement on the economic landscape. Globalisation has been the most successful affluence and anti-poverty movement in modern history. Following mentioned are some of the opportunities posed by globalization to international business. International Trade: Countries exchange a lot of money in goods and services every year. This fact demonstrates that international business makes good economic sense. Importing and exporting are the oldest and most common form of international trade. Globalisation greatly affects the global economy and the impact of foreign trade on economy is very immense. Comparative benefit has always been a factor even in the history. Trade has been institutionalized due to globalisation. Globalisation has improved free trade among nations and has improved liquidity of capital permitting investors in established countries to invest in undeveloped countries. It benefits businesses as it brings foreign exchange to the countries due to the increase in foreign trade. It also improves the global economy by increasing GDP. Trade between nation’s increases as it provides freedom to the global marketing exchange of goods and capitals. Established companies can invest in developing countries. This augments positive competition that helps in improving businesses. Licensing and Franchising: Another opportunity for to international business is franchising and licensing. A company that wants to go global rapidly while taking limited legal and financial risks might consider licensing agreements with foreign corporations. This agreement permits a foreign company to sell the products and to utilize its intellectual property in exchange for royalty fees (Hill, 2009). Franchising is the other opportunity to expand overseas. International franchise agreement is the agreement in which a company grants the right to a foreign company to use its brand name and to sell its services and products. The foreign company agrees to operate

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Discuss Women's Contribution to the American Revolution and the War's Term Paper

Discuss Women's Contribution to the American Revolution and the War's Impact on Eomen - Term Paper Example To begin with, there are those who assisted the soldiers on the war front with basic necessities such as water and food , which was essential as it ensured that the soldiers were well taken care of thereby enabling them to concentrate on their military duties. These women were known as camp followers as they lived in military camps and moved alongside the soldiers whenever there was need to shift camps. Majority of these women were largely soldiers’ wives and daughters. Apart from provision of water and food on the frontline, these women also conducted other domestic chores such as cleaning the camps, mending torn clothes, washing military uniforms among other numerous activities such as taking care of children in the absence of their husbands. They were not enlisted in the military and therefore, they were not required to handle guns or engage in battles with the enemy (Micklos 18). However, there are women, who are highly recognized for their bravery and disregard for the no rm. These included for example; Margaret Corbin, who is also referred to as Captain Molly. Margaret stood out as a woman of strong character and a brave one as such, especially due to her outstanding performance in the battle. She was the wife of an American soldier, John Corbin, whom she was fighting alongside on the fateful day of 16 November 1776. On this day, John, Margaret and approximately 600 other American soldiers were attacked by a battalion of British supported soldiers, in Fort Washington, which comprised of more than 3000 men (Micklos 28). Margaret, was a trained matross, just like her husband, and it is due to this that she was highly respected by John’s comrades. As the fighting was going on, John got injured leading to his temporary incapacitation. On seeing this, Margaret, instead of retreating, decided to take john’s position and continued to fire at the hostile soldiers but she eventually got injured in the process. Even though the British soldiers w on the battle at the end of that day, leading to her capture and that of her compatriots, Margaret continues to be remembered by the society as a true warrior. Indeed, she is remembered as the first woman in the US history to receive pension for her active role in the revolution (Ellet 25). Mary Ludwig Hays, also known as Molly Pitcher, is also another woman, who is recognized for her heroic deeds in the revolutionary war. Mary was also married to a soldier, William Hays, who served in the continental army during the war. Just like Margaret Corbin, Mary’s main roles were to supply the army with water alongside other domestic responsibilities but on June 28, 1778, she defied the odds by engaging the enemy directly using her husband’s canon (Ellet 51). On that fateful day, she was coming from the spring, where she sourced her water, and upon nearing where her husband was positioned, she suffered the rude shock of seeing him get shot after which he collapsed on the ground . Without much wastage of time, Mary splinted towards where her husband was and took over his position, which was to load the canons. Various texts indicate that she missed death by a whisker when a device exploded between her legs tearing apart her dress after which she exclaimed, â€Å"

Death penalty Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Death penalty - Research Paper Example While some people support the death penalty, others strongly condemn it. Some of the arguments in its favor are discussed below. This refers to a logical state-sponsored rejoinder to criminality, which is warranted given that once a crime happens; the victim is the state (Robinson, 2009). Cavadino & Dignan (2007) explain that retribution chastises the criminal in terms of â€Å"just deserts†. It focuses on the past events rather than on the future, and presumes that the penalty should fit the crime – â€Å"a tooth for a tooth†, so to say. Normally, criminals who face execution are those who cause serious harm to the society. A murderer for instance is executed with the validation that â€Å"two offences make a right†. Seemingly, the retributive argument is the strongest – when harmed, the government has a right to seek out justice with the intent of re-balancing the justice scales that the lawbreaker skewed to his or her benefit when he or she committed the crime (Robinson, 2009). According to Scott (2008), incapacitation is a philosophical justification of punishment that dictates that an offender’s physical capacity to commit a crime be removed (199). Those who hold this argument hold the view that death penalty takes away a criminal’s freedom in such a way that he or she is not able to perpetrate another offense – he/she permanently ceases being a menace to the society (Robinson, 2009).   Those who hold this view argue that once an individual initiates force against another guiltless individual, he or she has in reality declared that he or she does not conform to the principle of person’s rights. That criminal is not prepared to live among men as a reasoning individual – he or she only wants to live as a predator, to the obliteration as well as disadvantage of other beings around him or her. They also argue that rights result from a person’s nature of living as a rational being and if a person decides to live unreasonably, he or she is

Friday, July 26, 2019

Supply and demand, why demand is better Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Supply and demand, why demand is better - Article Example One of the two factors in economics is dependent on the other and therefore the independent factor is the most important in economics. According Blaug, supply depends on demand in the market. The article is titled, Economic Theory in Retrospect and was published by the Cambridge University Press. The article is authored in English as the original language of the author and the target group. The major subjects covered in the article are economics and history within the concepts and discipline of economics. The economic history contained in the book is linked to the fathers of economic and the concepts they applied to explain economic. This book covers the historical situation and concepts economics and the current thoughts including the relationship between demand and supply. The author outlines the equations of demand and supply curves and it is from this point that the reliance of supply on demand in the economical perspectives reveals the significance of demand over supply. The impact of demand on the central factor of both demand and supply that is the price implies a course of effect on supply. The author argues that the increase in the demand of a given product at a given price increases the motive to supply the customers with the commodities demanded. When demand increases the prices in the market increases too prompting the need to meet the demand that is desired in the market and the producers are forced to increase the supply. Supply in market is linked to the possibility and surety that the market will be able to buy the products. Higher prices caused by increase in the demand in the market inspire the producers to increase the supply into the market. Higher prices indicate the times when the producers are targeting the market and this is the time they increase the supply into the market. This therefore reveals that demand is independent of supply while supply

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Malnourishment Research Project Overview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Malnourishment Research Project Overview - Essay Example Political and social factors are attributed in the growing concern about overnutrition It is a misconception that first world countries or economically-progressive countries are capable of having luxurious ways of living and as a result this leads to the citizens having poor diets and exercise deficiency. America is considered as the fast-food nation. The reasons are very much obvious. Statistics show that every twenty four hours, there is at least one American out of four who eats fast food. Their main reason is that fast food eating is very convenient and a cheap option. (Levinstein, 2003) The overnutrition rates in the second and third world countries are almost at the same levels as the rates of the developed countries. Economic stability has nothing to do with the prevalence of o overnutrition. The second and third world countries show the presence of malnourished citizens but they also have cases of obesity or overnutrition. Changes in the rates of overnutrition in different countries can be due to several factors. This may be due to societal changes such as greater food consumption and genetic adaptations that impact metabolism. Therefore, lifestyle and technological changes have adverse effects with the nutrition of the people. In the book entitled Competitive Advantage by Jaynie Smith, she stated that there is an increasing need for people to eat healthy food. Since fast-foods are their usual first option for getting access to ready food, the fast foods have to think of new ways and strategies to offer healthy food options that will not prevent any potential or existing customer from buying food from them due to lack of healthy foods available. (Fjellstrom, 2004) Fastfood chains and restaurants do not only have the responsibility to address marketing needs for they also have the obligation to address their moral responsibility to their customers by helping them live healthy lives with the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

US Airways Group - Putting It All Together Essay

US Airways Group - Putting It All Together - Essay Example In a market characterized by low-fares, high volumes, traditionally basic services such as in-flight meals and movie were included in the fare price but in today’s fierce operating environment airlines have resulted to charging extra for these services in an effort to offer the lowest selling price possible for the passengers. U.S. Airways is suffering from an image problem, where it is collectively viewed as one of the least admired corporations in its industry sector. In the Fortune 1,000: Most Admired Companies 2006, U.S. Airways received the lowest score out of ten of the major airlines in the U.S. Even in the 2011 Fortune survey with added competition from other major airlines out of the twelve companies surveyed only AMR received a lower score than U.S. Airways. Furthermore it has not improved in any of the attributes surveyed in the study (Cnn, 2011). It is clear that U.S. Airways needs to address its quality of service in order to increase its market share in the domestic market as well as successfully entering into the global airline market. The airline industry in general is very susceptible to external economic, legal and political factors which can deeply affect its day to day operations. The recessionary economic conditions in the domestic economy as well as internationally significantly affec ted the airline industry particularly in the years 2008-2009 where most major airlines reported operational losses. Price gouging and intense competition have been a defining characteristic of the industry ever since the deregulation of 1978. After the 2010 travel season with slight improvement in the domestic and global economy the airline industry has been able to bounce back maintaining full occupancy rates for its flights and has once again reached profitability (Yahoo, 2011). One of the biggest costs for any airline is the cost of fuel, so in general the industry is particularly vulnerable to fuel price increases (Datamonitor, 2011). Regardless, rising costs and the volatility of fuel prices has cut the average margin of the airline industry to only 2%.U.S. Airways as a whole needs to improve the customer satisfaction rate by improving their customer service, improving the quality of its services, and decreasing the percentage of delayed flights. They also need to improve the s peed of the boarding process in order to improve customer satisfaction. These are some of the things that U.S. Airways management needs to address in order to improve their market share and increase revenues. The airline industry has always been characterized for being a highly regulated industry with various federal agencies overseeing their operations from a safety and security standpoint. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is responsible for regulating and ensuring the overall safety of all civilian as well as commercial flights in the domestic airspace. All airlines operating in the domestically are subject to the rules and regulations of the FAA. The FAA has the authority to issue any directives or changes in procedures, including aircraft maintenance. For U.S. Airways the adequate planning and budgeting of enough cash reserves, manpower, airplane inventory and financial resources to meet with the changing operational demands of running a domestic and global airline must be factored in the strategic and contingency planning of the company. There is a high degree of complexity in the operation, maintenance and repair of commercial aircrafts. As a consequence there is a high level of added costs

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Main Characteristics Of A Marketing-Oriented Organisation Essay

Main Characteristics Of A Marketing-Oriented Organisation - Essay Example The basic orientation of a company can be reflected by strategies, structures, and cultures. Each of these must be integrated so that a clear corporate position can be ensured through marketing efforts. Stensrud (1998) also claims that it takes a well-orchestrated effort to develop a marketing orientation. In order to accomplish this feat, there are several key factors that must be carefully taken into consideration. First of all, a company must have access to capital. Secondly, they must emphasize the importance of long-range planning and spend strategically. There must also be appropriate distribution channels, middle managers who know what they are doing, up-to-date systems, and the ability to stick to new strategies. Leaders must be put in place that can handle the new system that comes along with a marketing-oriented organization. According to (2010), the needs of consumers need to be focused on rather than the needs of the company that is producing a good or service. This means that an integrated and goal-oriented philosophy needs to be followed by the organization as a whole throughout the process. In fact, the needs and goals of the consumer need to be achieved before the needs and goals of the producing company in order for the producing company to be successful in even reaching its goals according to the idea of the marketing concept. Selling reached an extreme level of difficulty after World War II since it could no longer be achieved by hard selling. This is because the variety of products increased following the war. Furthermore, the level of discretionary income of consumers had increased and, therefore, those consumers could afford to use a little more freedom in their purchase decisions. This was further complicated by the fact that organizations were not able to accurately predict the changing needs of consumers (NetMBA 2010.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Act 4 of the crucible is dynamic theatre Essay Example for Free

Act 4 of the crucible is dynamic theatre Essay The Crucible provides us with what can only be described as masterpiece of dramatic writing. Written by Arthur Miller in 1952, the most powerful scenes in The Crucible have several common characteristics; very effective use of stage directions, long build-ups of suspense that come crashing down in thundering climaxes, intense displays of emotion and an abundance of dramatic irony.  The play, set in 1692, is based upon the outbreak of accusations of witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts. Miller wrote the play using this 17th-century case (and fictionalising it) to comment on a 20th-century phenomenon the exposure of suspected communists. In 17th century Salem the inhabitants feared witchcraft as America feared communism in the 1950s; and many similarities can be drawn between the events of the two periods. Both were exaggerated out of all reasonable proportion and each contains communities that display an irrational fear of an ill perceived threat to their stability of life. Indeed, the theme of culpability that runs throughout the play is mirrored constantly in modern society, particularly in politics, where those in office are frequently blamed for incidents that are completely beyond their control. The writing of this play stemmed from Millers personal interest in the Salem witch trials and at the time, America was in the middle of the McCarthy political Witch Hunt. Miller himself was called before a committee, and he began to notice a certain resemblance between the two trials, such as naming and shaming by people anxious to divert attention from themselves, together with confessions given under duress. This has resulted in the play being seen as a political allegory. At the beginning of act 4 we see symbolic setting and scenery created through Millers clever use of stage directions, which in turn, introduces and establishes the tone that will continue throughout the remainder of the play. For example, the reference to moonlight seeping through the bars of the darkened cell metaphorically suggests to the reader that there is still hope for the  wrongly accused sufferers of the witch hunt, the light being a positive aspect in the otherwise bleak atmosphere. This technique of using light symbolically is revisited later in the scene; the new sun is pouring in, reinforcing the theme of dramatic lighting that is so very important within the play. It is perhaps this phrase that best sums up the intensity of relief felt at the end of the ordeal, and emphasizes the theme of transition and change, highlighted in particular by the word new. Another way in which Miller successfully creates tension within the play is through the use of apposite props and evocative scenery, most notably in the jail; a high barred window, near it, a great, heavy door. This evokes a strong sense of oppression, in particular the heavy door which could be arguably be seen as a metaphor for the ignorance displayed by the townspeople of Salem. Furthermore, we see the play end on a very dramatic note; The final drumroll crashes, then heightens violently, surely emblematic of the last brutal act of the witch-hunt; the violent demise of the hero and the end of the suffering of those persecuted by fear and ignorance. Dramatic theatre would be nothing however, without the powerful characters at the heart of the story, and the depth they bring to it through their emotions and actions. At the very beginning of the scene, we see a representation of the main theme of the story; the helplessness of the villagers against the cruel authority of Danforth, illustrated by the forcible removal of Tituba and Sarah Good from their cell. The power struggle between those in office and the common man draws great empathy from the audience and reinforces the brutality of the entire ordeal. Indeed, the womens response to the guards; We goin to Barbados, soon devil gits here highlights the villagers great superstition around Satan, giving the audience insight into how the situation has spiraled out of control, and how their fears fuel the fires of hysteria, allowing the oppression of the villagers to continue unabated.

Ebara Balance Scorecard and Communication Plan Essay Example for Free

Ebara Balance Scorecard and Communication Plan Essay Ebara Technology Incorporated Component Division is a subsidiary of Ebara Corporation. Ebara Technology is known as a Research and Development focus company, whose main subject matter is on research and development for its business operations. Ebara will always campaign for research and development to increase added value to the product and over and above research and development related cost reduction and manufacturing technologies, toward improving it competitiveness and profitability, (RD – Ebara (n.d.)). Finance The financial perspective has the strategic objective in areas of the market shares, revenues and costs, profitability, and competitive position. On the financial viewpoint of the new F-REX 600 millimeter Chemical Mechanical Polishing System will increase the sales growth anywhere from 10% to 20%. This modification or enhancement will dictate the end results of decreasing in the cost, increase higher quality and speed, for a prompt response to customers’ needs. The operating cost will decrease anywhere from 15% to 25% for the reason that on common parts the volume will increase and with contracts already in place the forecast will go up and the price will go down. A small number of ideas turn out to be profitable for the reason of research and development, and pre-marketing costs of transforming a promising idea into a profitable product. Customer In the customer value perspective we want to look at how the customers see us in all these areas, customer retention or turnover, customer satisfaction and customer value. Our goal of retention rate is to recognize the turnover and to monitor the performance over time. â€Å"The main objective is not to be at zero, however to be at a position that is supporting our goals for  growth† (Customer Retention Strategy | Marketing MO. (n.d.)). Developing plans to increase customer loyalty and decrease turnover. Our company will set up meeting on a quarterly basis with customers with the agenda being directed at on-time delivery percent of sale from the new product, and feedback from the customers. On time delivery will be recorded and reviewed to communicate to our shareholders and employees. The company as a whole will be working with all current customers to maintain a goal 98% or better delivery performance. Feedback whether it is positive or negative from our customer is vital action for the growth of the company. Internal Business Process The internal business process is to construct a streamline process for the manufacturing process. Manufacturing objective is make sure they have create a useful and efficient process that will imposed check points at all operating locations. Paperwork will be turned in and the information is loaded into the database. The target is recorded and a weekly or monthly report is run. These reports are called Key Performance Indicator (KPI) or Key Success Indicator (KSI). â€Å"These reports are a set of quantifiable measures that the company or an industry uses to gauge or compare performance in team meeting of the strategic and operational goal† (Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Definition | Investopedia. (n.d.). These reports will be posted in all appropriate departments and meetings are set-up for discussion to talk about great performance or what we need to improve on. Learning and Growth The learning and growth of the company will depend widely on the knowledge and training of all employees. In order to achieve our vision production must be able to be ready for changes and the ability to improve. Our goal will be focus in two different areas; the first will be the production employees and the second will be document control. Our intention is for all managers and executives to keep and open communication with every employee in the company and all outsourcing suppliers of all pending and up and coming changes. Every employee and the outsourcing suppliers will go through a training program on how to build all areas of F-REX 600 millimeter Chemical Mechanical Polishing System.. Our aspiration would be to ensure  that each outside service and each and every in-house employee are trained and certified in their specified areas. Eventually we would want to see some cross-training in all the areas. On the Document Control side will also be following the same step listed above, but because changes will need to be made rapidly and some changes will need to be phased in. This department must be knowledgeable of all aspect of the Engineering Changes Notices and the Engineering Changes Orders. The goal for this department is to be conscious and mindful of Engineering Changes Orders and Engineering Changes Notices. The focus would be to make certain they have all signatures and it is approval through all levels. We will need to proceed by requiring training, cross training and certification of each of employees in this department. Conclusion The supposition of the balanced scorecard we covered all four areas: The financial side with building of the F-REX 600 millimeter Chemical Mechanical Polishing System we will be decreasing the cost, increase higher quality and speed, where the customer is getting their needs met. This proposal will bring profit because of the research and development, and pre-marketing cost changing ideas into a profitable product. Secondly on the customer perspective side, the goal is increase customers loyalty and always looking for ways to decrease the turnover rate. Customer satisfaction and customer value by encouraging face to face meeting to keep client/customers informed. The internal process is where we will find ways to improve the process. Key Performance Indicator will be set up in difference department so that each department knows how they are performing. And last is the learning and growth of the employees. We will focus on the production employees and Document Control . Training and c rossing training is a major area because of all the changes that will forthcoming. Document Control will be overwhelmed with countless changes and will need to be prime and ready for the surplus. References Customer Retention Strategy | Marketing MO. (n.d.). Retrieved from Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Definition | Investopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved October 16, 2014, from RD EBARA Global Website. (n.d.). Retrieved September 26, 2014, from

Sunday, July 21, 2019

High Divorce Rates in the Military

High Divorce Rates in the Military The research paper will briefly introduce the topic of research paper work specifically defining the key words. In the discussion part, the research paper will examine the reasons for high divorce rates in the military. The research will set out reasons for high divorce rate in the military especially those of marriage age, and the previous existence marriages. It will focus also on the race impacts upon marriage, which are the largest influences behind high divorce rate in the military. The paper will explain the sociological research findings, and sociological theoretical perspectives of high divorce rates in the military. The conclusion will finally summarize the causes of high divorce rates in the military basing them on sociological theoretical perspectives. Introduction Military people are those brave individuals employed by a government in the armed forces in order to take care of national security. Divorce is a final marital union termination, and cancelling a legal marriage duties and responsibilities, and dissolving matrimonial bonds between two partners. Research indicates that military men and women have high divorce rates in the military. Discussion There are wide ranges of cases in the last few decades that have risen within the marriage institution among the military populace. Early marriages leads to a short lasting period of familial stability than those enacted later on, in adulthood. An estimate of divorce rates shows that 48 percent of all initiated first marriages ends before a wife attains the age of 18 years. The first marriages of about 25 percent begin when female spouses attains at least 25 years old. Amongst divorce predictors, establishment of age at marriage is the most consistently indicative regardless of starting period of marriage (Hack, 2008). The issue of high divorce rates is a big question for the sociologists. Sociologists have studied vigorously in order to find direction and solid reasons that lead to high divorce rates in the military. There are more informed reasons and sociological theories attempting to explain the high divorce rates in the military (Crown and Karney, 2007). The highest rate of divorce in the military branches continues to be a worsening statistic compared to other careers. Many causes contribute to it. Inadequate time spent with the family is the leading cause. This is because most military personnel spend little time with their families. Military men and women also undergo divorce problem because of a lot time spent out in a war thus lack adequate time for their loved ones. This makes their partners to move away from such marriage in search of the partners who are ready to stay with them every moment. This contributes to another cause; poor communication. Families with poor or lack of communication, and those spending many hours in the work place have high chances of divorce. The spouses of military men and women have a tendency to become unfaithful when the former are far away from their families. When their partners discover this, they end up separating. More often than not, they finally end up filing divorce cases in the courts. With vital communication, military people can build solid block or lay well foundation basing on trust, loyalty, and love (Chall, 2001). The work involved in military is hard and needs full dedication as well as devotion. Because of this, most military people get to deal with the stress in fighting, and defending their countries. They encounter problems in handling divorces especially when the spouses are not even within the same country they are serving. Most military people try to handle divorce related stress through counseling available from couples who have encountered problems of separation for long periods (Hack, 2008). Another thing that can help them to reduce divorces rate is by ensuring that before they engage and marry, they should be ready for commitment. Strenuous jobs contribute to the increased rate of divorce. It is not only in the military divorce that the rates are rising up, but also in 50% of the couples doing strenuous jobs end up divorcing. The statistical research shows that the bigger percentages of married people working in the military have high divorce rates than other ordinary couples (Crown and Karney, 2007). In military, there is little time to rest and almost no time to socialize with family and friends. Therefore, military people should try to talk about their feelings with their families if they want to secure their marriages, and avoid chances of separation and divorce. Place of women in the society theory attempt to define and explain the role of the female gender in the society. It details how they have violated their roles. The place of women in the society is nowadays changing and is leading to high divorce rates. The military is neither spared. The role of woman has undergone modification and has become manly. Women are no longer watchers of the house, cooks, or cleaners, but they do the same roles that men play. Men dominance is now fading because they compete with women in places of work, and in almost all fields in the economies (Chafetz, 2006). The marriage question in the institution theory has it that social dynamics keeps on changing making marriage less meaningful than it was before. People no longer have respect to moral ideals. Mothers who are working nowadays are common in the military, and the marriage expectations are very different than they were, previously. It is no longer the responsibility of men to use their own income to support an entire family. This is because women can comfortably support them in household chores. Most communities have accepted this kind of changed arrangement. Therefore, divorce rates keeps on rising due to changes in the roles of women, especially those in the military (Sowers, 2006). Conflict theory better explains various phenomena that occur in the military. The conflict perspectives focus on a wide range of things for instance drug abuse, and extra-affairs. Abuse and affairs are justifiable in some extents, and is the most obvious reason for high divorce rates in the military. It is understandable that couples would not like to live with someone who causes violence in the family. Many couples consider divorce especially when they do not want to stay in a miserable marriage. This have an even bigger impact on children especially when their parents fight in front of them and it worsens when parents divorce. Children may feel unsafe, or lack parental love when of the parents walks out of marriage. Some military men abuse substances such as marijuana, cocaine, and laudanum thinking that they will make their minds function properly. These drugs finally end up causing addiction and the result is violence, or conflict in the family. The conflict theory attempts to refute the perspective of the functionalist explaining social problems in the military. This theory considers that a society function in order to ensure each group of persons play a certain role just like body organs (Sowers, 2006). Stress factor can be an enormous cause of marital difficulties in the military. Research indicates that money factor especially limited financial income leads to divorce. This is quite evident among junior enlisted personnel with children, and those on long-term deployment. Many marriage counselors are of the notion that money is the root cause divorce in military marriages (Crown and Karney, 2007). Some say society itself contributes to divorce cases, but more value placed on individualism, self-expression, self-realization, and choice of personnel are the main causes of increasing military divorce. In financial cases especially among enlisted junior personnel, divorces often occur because of separation of couples for a long time on multiple occasions. These problems can reduce incase there is allowance of shorter deployment periods to limit marriage issues and to better family life (Karen, 2008). Cultural theory traces back where early marriages were discouraged in the society. Research further indicates that, each year, cases of early marriages made between the ages of 15 to 19 are on the increase. Many young married couples often do not keep their original relationship together. High divorce in the military is increasing because of changes in the law. Over the decades, marriage institution earned respect, and there were rare divorce cases because it was illegal to divorce. Nowadays this has changed, and military people keep walking in and out of marriages because of non-restriction in marriage. Anybody can file cases of divorce if there are minor disagreements in a marriage. The sociological context in cultural theory places divorce in traditional society as something that deteriorated the society thus divorce rarely occurred. The present society has high divorce that result even from sexual problems in the family. Several couples in military are sexually frustrated. They are not having enough sex when their partners keep on spending long working time outside (Anderson and Taylor, 2007). Conclusion The high divorce rates in the military are explained well by sociological perspectives. These sociological theories have their premises on the behavior of human beings. They blame contrasting and dynamic features of social life in expounding on high divorce rates in the military. Cases of divorce in the military are increasing every time, and the research shows that the military, as an occupation, is leading in divorce. These perspectives put several reasons forth, and all seem to justify. Therefore, the causes of high divorce rates are multifaceted and are dependent on the nature of a given case.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Masque (Mask) of the Red D, William Wilson, Tale of the Ragged Moun

Landscape in Masque of the Red Death, William Wilson, Tale of the Ragged Mountains, and House of Usher A careful reading of Poe’s tales will quickly reveal the importance that landscape plays in the development of each literary work.   "Ragged Mountains" has both a surreal and realistic landscape allowing Poe to use both the mental and the physical environment to explain his tale.   This technique is also found in "The Fall of the House of Usher," "William Wilson," and "The Masque of the Red Death."   In these tales too the reader may tend to focus on the action at hand, and the psychological details, because that is what we are prone to do with Poe stories.   However, it is also important to understand that physical landscape as well.   As Daniel Philippon states in his article "Poe in the Ragged Mountains": "Any search for a whole universe of suggestion must be held in check by the realities of the landscape in which it occurs."   In "A Tale of the Ragged Mountains," it is pretty obvious that the landscape is going to play an important part in the story - we are given the setting right in the title.   However, a majority of the story actually takes place in an "Orientalized" locale that has been transposed into the Ragged Mountains.   This alone is a great juxtaposition: the title describes what seems to be a run-down, unappealing landscape, while the real action takes place in fantastical setting.   But why is the landscape so important if the psychological aspect is what Poe is trying to focus on?   Most likely it is because the landscape gives us clues about what is actually happening in the minds of the characters, and hints at things that make the story clearer.   For example, Bedloe starts his tale by describing "the thic... ...dscape as well as a physical one, his pieces pack a more powerful punch, and always allow the reader to find hints about what is really going on at a deeper level.   Since much of Poe's 'action' is psychological, the landscape is an element of the story that can't be ignored, and should not. Works Cited: Poe, Edgar Allan. "The Masque of the Red Death." The American Tradition in Literature. Ed. George Perkins and Barbara Perkins. 9th ed. vol. 1. New York: McGraw, 1998. Poe, Edgar Allan. "A Tale of the Ragged Mountains" [1843]; in Poe, ed. Harold Beaver. The Science Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976. Poe, Edgar Allan. "William Wilson." Selected Poetry and Prose of Poe. Ed. T. O. Mabbott. New York: Modern Library, 1951. Poe, Edgar Allen. "The Fall of the House of Usher". R.V.Cassill, ed. The Norton Fiction. New York, London, 1995. The Masque (Mask) of the Red D, William Wilson, Tale of the Ragged Moun Landscape in Masque of the Red Death, William Wilson, Tale of the Ragged Mountains, and House of Usher A careful reading of Poe’s tales will quickly reveal the importance that landscape plays in the development of each literary work.   "Ragged Mountains" has both a surreal and realistic landscape allowing Poe to use both the mental and the physical environment to explain his tale.   This technique is also found in "The Fall of the House of Usher," "William Wilson," and "The Masque of the Red Death."   In these tales too the reader may tend to focus on the action at hand, and the psychological details, because that is what we are prone to do with Poe stories.   However, it is also important to understand that physical landscape as well.   As Daniel Philippon states in his article "Poe in the Ragged Mountains": "Any search for a whole universe of suggestion must be held in check by the realities of the landscape in which it occurs."   In "A Tale of the Ragged Mountains," it is pretty obvious that the landscape is going to play an important part in the story - we are given the setting right in the title.   However, a majority of the story actually takes place in an "Orientalized" locale that has been transposed into the Ragged Mountains.   This alone is a great juxtaposition: the title describes what seems to be a run-down, unappealing landscape, while the real action takes place in fantastical setting.   But why is the landscape so important if the psychological aspect is what Poe is trying to focus on?   Most likely it is because the landscape gives us clues about what is actually happening in the minds of the characters, and hints at things that make the story clearer.   For example, Bedloe starts his tale by describing "the thic... ...dscape as well as a physical one, his pieces pack a more powerful punch, and always allow the reader to find hints about what is really going on at a deeper level.   Since much of Poe's 'action' is psychological, the landscape is an element of the story that can't be ignored, and should not. Works Cited: Poe, Edgar Allan. "The Masque of the Red Death." The American Tradition in Literature. Ed. George Perkins and Barbara Perkins. 9th ed. vol. 1. New York: McGraw, 1998. Poe, Edgar Allan. "A Tale of the Ragged Mountains" [1843]; in Poe, ed. Harold Beaver. The Science Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976. Poe, Edgar Allan. "William Wilson." Selected Poetry and Prose of Poe. Ed. T. O. Mabbott. New York: Modern Library, 1951. Poe, Edgar Allen. "The Fall of the House of Usher". R.V.Cassill, ed. The Norton Fiction. New York, London, 1995.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Mya Angelou :: Essays Papers

Mya Angelou Toni Morrison, the first black woman to receive Nobel Prize in Literature, was born Chloe Anthony Wofford on February 18, 1931 in Lorain, Ohio, U.S.A. She was the second of four children of George Wofford, a shipyard welder and Ramah Willis Wofford. Her parents moved to Ohio from the South to escape racism and to find better opportunities in the North. Her father was a hardworking and dignified man. While the children were growing up, he worked three jobs at the same time for almost 17 years. He took a great deal of pride in the quality of his work, so that each time he welded a perfect seam he'd also weld his name onto the side of the ship. He also made sure to be well-dressed, even during the Depression. Her mother was a church-going woman and she sang in the choir. At home, Chloe heard many songs and tales of Southern black folklore. The Woffords were proud of their heritage. Lorain was a small industrial town populated with immigrant Europeans, Mexicans and Southern blacks who lived next to each other. Chloe attended an integrated school. In her first grade, she was the only black student in her class and the only one who could read. She was friends with many of her white schoolmates and did not encounter discrimination until she started dating. She hoped one day to become a dancer like her favorite ballerina, Maria Tallchief, and she also loved to read. Her early favorites were the Russian writers Tolstoy and Dostoyevski, French author Gustave Flaubert and English novelist Jane Austen. She was an excellent student and she graduated with honors from Lorain High School in 1949. Chloe Wofford then attended the prestigious Howard University in Washington, D.C., where she majored in English with a minor in classics. Since many people couldn't pronounce her first name correctly, she changed it to Toni, a shortened version of her middle name. She joined a repertory company, the Howard University Players, with whom she made several tours of the South. She saw firsthand the life of the blacks there, the life her parents had escaped by moving north. Toni Wofford graduated from Howard University in 1953 with a B.A. in English. She then attended Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, and received a master's degree in 1955. After graduating, Toni was offered a job at Texas Southern University in Houston, where she taught introductory English.

Use of Irony in Othello :: Othello essays

Use of Irony in Othello Shakespeare's plays rely largely on irony. There are three kinds of irony presented in this novel. They are: situational, verbal, and dramatic. Irony plays an important role in Othello. It creates suspense, and adds interest to the story. There are many examples of situational irony in this play. Cassio was the one Iago wanted dead or out of his position. At the end of the play, Cassio was the only one that did not die and Othello actually promoted him to a higher position. In the end Iago never accomplishes what he started to do-- to get back at Othello and take Cassio's place. Both Othello and Iago treat their wives horribly. Both killed their wives even through their innocence. Iago killed his wife because she was working against his plan. Othello killed his wife because he thought she cheated on him when she really didn't. Before he killed her, Iago used his wife in a way that helped him to betray Othello. She was a good friend of Desdemona's and she worked against her friend without knowing it. She took Desdemona's handkerchief because Iago said he wanted it. Iago then placed the handkerchief in Cassio's room to make him look guilty. Also, throughout the play, it seemed that Othello was the only one who didn't know the truth. Shakespeare uses situational irony well to make the story more interesting. The verbal irony in this novel can sometimes be humorous because of how ironic it is. Othello often said things that were actually the opposite of Iago: "O, thou art wise! 'Tis certain"(IV.I.87), "Honest Iago . . . "(V.II.88), (II.III.179) & (I.III.319), "I know, Iago, Thy honesty and love doth mince this matter"(II.III.251-52). These lines are just a few of the ironic that Othello says to Iago. They show the trust that Othello mistakenly puts in his "best friend." Most things Iago says are ironic and he's always lying. Othello still considered him his best friend but Iago was the only one Othello trusted although he was constantly lying. He says, "My lord, you know I love you"(III.III.136). This is a blatant lie - Iago does

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Lets Make Essay

Case Questions for Discussion 1. Define Lawn Care’s current strategic mission, strategy, competitive priorities, value chain, and how it wins customers. What are the order qualifiers and winners? Draw the major stages in its value chain without an application service. The Lawn Care Company defines its business strategy as the â€Å"highest quality grass seed and fertilizer in the world† while the competitor defines their business strategy as â€Å"beautiful lawns with no hassles.† Therefore, the Lawn Care Co. focuses on competitive priorities such as high product quality, delivery to retail store or golf course loading dock, and price. Product quality is the #1 competitive priority for the Lawn Care Co with price/cost #5. The competitor focuses on (1) high product quality, (2) no hassle application to the customer’s lawn, (3) higher margins on the application service than the physical goods, (4) customized 6 OM2 C4 applications as needed, (5) service encounter excellence, and (6) build ing a strong relationship with customers. Service quality is the #1 competitive priority for the competitor. 2. What problems, if any, do you see with Lawn Care’s current strategy, vision, customer benefit package and value chain design, and Pre-and postservices? Customers and Third Party Applicators Apply to Lawns OM2 C4 There will always be a market for self-service application for golf courses, parks, and residential lawns (like Scotts 1-2-3-4 self-service Four Step program sold at retail stores) but as the U.S. standard of living and disposable income increases, the market for lawn care application services will grow. The Lawn Care Co. is missing a major market opportunity but has time to catch up. Their current vision of the business focuses on perfect physical goods but that is not enough in today’s competitive markets! Services need to be bundled with the goods to help gain competitive advantage in this market. The strategy determines everything else! 3. Redo questions (1) and (2) and provide a new or revised strategy and associated customer benefit package and value chain that is more appropriate for today’s marketplace. What does operations have to be good at to successfully execute your revised strategy? The key to a good application service is (1) good equipment, (2) good seeds and fertilizer, (3) well trained employees with service management skills, (4) crew routing and scheduling of labor and trucks, (5) clean freshly painted equipment and crew uniforms (part of servicescape),  (6) right number of trucks and crews per area (capacity), (7) call center processes, and so on. 4. What are your final recommendations I would recommend that the services be restructured to produce more profit. Maybe there could be the possibility of hiring more employees, you could also create a company owned application service, and if the requests for your services become overwhelming then you could hire a third party local contractor certify them in Lawn Care products and equipment. In the end this could be a very productive and profitable business. If there is a desire to make this a successful venture, then you would have to be fully dedicated to it.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

India: the Unfortunate Correlation Between Poverty and Environmental Issues

India The Unfortunate Correlation amidst want and environmental Issues India makes up 2. 4 shargon of the beas grease, temporary hookup accompaniment an enlarge 18 percent of the world community (D. Nagdeve, 2006). India is considered to be 1 of the major developing countries, continuously ripening its reputation in the worldwide providence. However, since the emancipation of India, the issue of beggary has remained a live concern. As of last year, much(prenominal) than 37% of Indias population, of a totaled 1. 35 one thousand million passel, are still spirit be confused the beggary line (Economy pick up, 2010).Although in that respect are individuals and corporations in upper-class India that are growing prosperous, thither is an unf air travelness to those reinforcement in severe scantiness ache the surroundal dam come along that soil-style selecting are dismissing. As those bread and scarceter in meagerness put contract against the surround ings and vice versa there is an evident firm coefficient of correlation between poverty and milieual issues. The astounding increase in population is star of the main reasons for poverty and environmental struggles in India, along with the neglect for good contaminant controls, and unequal distribution of plowland (B. Ruck, 2006).The game ending rates in India due to unfortunate diseases, lack of wellness bursting charge and security in superannuated age, leads to Indians having more(prenominal) children (B. Ruck, 2006). More than half of the worlds malnourished and under-weight children are fit(p) in second Asia. In these southwesterly Asiatic countries there is a echo burden of disease and poverty, creating an end slight poisonous circle of high disease levels, low productivity and high poverty and death rates. An example, of a terrible disease rattling present in India is malaria as it is unity of the most prevalent public wellness conundrums that the country is facing perennially (V. Sharma, 2003). scantness and malaria responsively are two interwoven elements as this disease is predominantly the disease of the poor. The existent poor loafernot afford private give-and-take and therefore must resort to self-medication, unremarkably by the usage of traditional medications, at their own peril (V. Sharma, 2003). For a country boasting about its harvesting rate, the feature that 53% of children in India under the age of five years live without staple fiber wellnesscare facilities is shameful. This adds up to 67 million Indian children nourishment in a risk of survival for their first a few(prenominal) years. Poor children are three times more interchangeablely to die earlier their fifth irthday, epoch over 1 million children in India die in their first month of life yearbookly (K. Sinha, 2008). These saddening statistics just verify that Indias wellness care system is doing little to zip to care for Indias poor population. I ndias high death rates, specifically for those liveness in poverty without health care access, leads to families trying to conceive as umpteen a(prenominal) children possible in hopes of more survival. For these health reasons and cultural reasons there are legion(predicate) large families across India. The growth in population is resulting in an increased pinch on earthy resources, from water to timbres (WWF, 2003).surroundalists worldwide, peculiarly from risqueer nations, have raised concerns about the increasing populations placing excessive strains on the worlds scarce resources (A. Shah, 2005). A recent clause from The Economist explains that Indias rapid industrialization, is a troublesome thought for residents, specifically those living in poverty. By the year 2020, jibe to the sphere Bank, Indias water, air, soil and forest resources will be under more tender-hearted pressure than those of any other(a) country (The Economist, 2008).Rapid population growth and poverty in a country, in this case India, is adversely bear uponing the environment in a devastating manner. Recently, the global population reached 7 billion human beings, all with rising levels of consumption per capita, chop-chop depleting graphic resources and degrading the environment (A. Shah, 2005). In India, the increase of population combines with the distressed poverty to create an immense pressure on all of the countrys natural resources (D. Nagdeve, 2006).Indias rescue is in high gear, leaving an immense and unfortunate trail of contaminant, severely impacting not unaccompanied India, but besides the rest of the world (WWF, 2003). there are various types of befoulment that concern Indias environment including sound contaminant, mess up and water pollution, and air pollution. Unwanted sounds from the natural environment wind, vol spateoes, oceans, and animal sounds, are more tolerable than man-made noises from machines, automobiles, trains, planes, explosive s and firecrackers.Mumbai is rated the third noisiest city in the world, with New Delhi following closely behind. It is now increasingly understood that pollution from noise is an important component of air pollution. Noise not only causes biliousness and annoyance but also constricts the arteries, and increases the combine of adrenaline forcing the heart to work faster. dogging noise causes an increase in the cholesterin level resulting in permanent niggardness of blood vessels, making humans more prone to heart attacks and strokes (P. Mitra, 2007).Perceptibly, the effects of water pollution are not only devastating to people but also to animals, fish and birds as the water is inappropriate for drinking, recreation, and the agricultural industry. Waste and water pollution diminishes the aesthetic quality of lakes and rivers while unsporting aquatic life, decrease reproductive exponent (P. Mitra, 2007). Moving up the food chain, the accident continues to negatively affect human health, supporting the notion that it is greatly challenging to secede the effects of water pollution. It is evident that there is an issue of air and water pollution in many Indian states, including Delhi.With the unreassuring gray skies, Delhis air has been considered pestilential to breathe. A third of Delhi residents are change with chronic breathing ailments while one out of six children plump for lead induced mental retardation (South Asian Voice, 2000). The poor are first to suffer the effects of air and water pollution. The rich can minimize their exposure to the air-borne toxics by driving air-conditioned cars while those with land incomes must travel by feet, bicycles or public transit, unfortunately finding themselves in a situation where they cannot escape the noisome effects.In previous instances the Supreme philander ruled that certain polluting industries should be relocate out of Delhi into less well-known places like Ghaziabad, Meerut or Rohtak (Sout h Asian Voice, 2000). This proposes that the healths of those who reside in more poverty are less important than those in the nations capital. The 2011 survey taken by the pew Research Centre, presented results that 79% of Indians distinctly considered pollution a very big problem (The Economist, 2008).Of the Indian rural population, more than 22% live in settings with existing sensible and financial predicaments in addition to the 15% living in poverty inside urban India (Economy Watch, 2010). Throughout the world, including India, the poorest people are increasingly clustered in hostile and ecologically fragile areas (B. Ruck, 2006). Agriculture contributes to 21% of Indias Gross Domestic mathematical product its importance within the countrys economic, social, and political standards are highly crucial (World Bank Group, 2011).The rural population in India depends on agriculture where the weather phenomenon plays a major role on the rural economy. In the past years there hav e been severe droughts, affecting the economy as crops were destroyed being an recognisable catastrophe for may cultivators. In many states of India including Assam, West Bengal, Bihar and Orissa there are annual floods, which also hamper the growth of crops and farmlands (D. Talukdar, 2010). In rural districts, the best land tends to be taken over by the wealthiest of farmers, who can afford modern technology to declare and grow crops on the larger areas of land.This inopportunely leaves poor people pressured to occupy and travail more fragile lands including hillsides, forests and arid areas (D. Pimentel et al, 2004). It is an recognisable struggle to grow decent crops on these marginal areas of land, resulting in increased poverty for those already suffering financially while creating an augmented pressure on over-exploited lands (B. Ruck, 2006). nearly half of Indias land is bear upon by soil erosion substance that Indias soil is naturally distant by the action of water or wind roughly at the akin rate as soil is formed.The country proceeds with irrigation, bringing water to the land in a variety of insubstantial means, which is leading to desertification of once fertile land. A result of desertification is deforestation taking a toll of 400 million people who depend on non-timber produce (V. Sharma, 2003). hike actions which should be implemented powerfully into Indias lifestyles is up(a) supplies of clean water to knock down time spent gathering maculate water while also reducing the illnesses caused by these foul water supplies (World mendicancy, 2011).By up(p) the supply of accessible, affordable health care information and services, the country can reduce the vulnerability of diseases within poverty stricken areas while also improving the state of Indias natural environment. Furthermore, improving the training and equipment of farmers would be beneficial to those living in India, as this would help increase crop yields and conserve th e environment (World Poverty, 2011). Poverty can be accept as both the cause and effect of environment degradation.As Indias population and economy continues to substantially grow, the countrys impoverishment to find effective solutions becomes significantly more urgent each day. The strong correlation between poverty and environmental issues is expanding as both continue to put pressure against each other. The aspirations of more than one billion people suffering through poverty and environmental struggles, must be recognized and relieved. References Agriculture India Priorities for Agriculture and Rural evolution. World Bank Group. N. p. , n. d. Web. 1 Nov. 2011. . Bass, Stephen. Reducing poverty and sustaining the environment the politics of local engagement. London, Sterling, VA Earthscan, 2005. Print. Bhattacharya, Haimanti, and Robert Innes. Is on that point a Nexus between Poverty and Environment in Rural India?. AgEcon calculate Item 21201. N. p. , n. d. Web. 1 Nov. 2011. . Economy Watch Content. Poverty in India . Economy Watch. N. p. , 4 Apr. 2010. Web. 30 Oct. 2011. . Foundation for Sustainable ontogeny. environmental Issues in India Foundation for Sustainable Development. delightful to FSD Foundation for Sustainable Development. N. p. , n. d. Web. 1 Nov. 2011. . Gadgil, Madhav, and Ramachandra Guha. Development and Change. Ecological Conflicts and the Environmental Movement in India. Online The Hague, 1994. 101 136. Print. Nagdeve, D. A.. IIPS-Envis Center on Environment and Population. IIPS-Envis Center on Population and Environment. N. p. , n. d. Web. 1 Nov. 2011. . Pimentel, David, Bonnie Berger, and David Filiberto. Water Resources Agricultural and Environmental Issues. California BioScience, 2004. Print. Ruck, Barbara . Poverty and the Environment. World Vision. N. p. , n. d. Web. 29 Oct. 2011. . Shah, Anup. Poverty and the Environment a ball-shaped Issues. orbicular Issues social, political, economic and environmental is sues that affect us all a Global Issues. N. p. , n. . Web. 1 Nov. 2011. . Sharma, V. Malaria and poverty in India. genuine Science 84. 4 (2003) 513 515. Print. Sinha, Kounteya. 53% Indian kids under 5 lack health care Times Of India. The Times Of India. N. p. , 8 may 2008. Web. 6 Nov. 2011. . Solutions to World Poverty. World Poverty. N. p. , n. d. Web. 3 Nov. 2011. . Solutions to World Poverty. World Poverty. N. p. , n. d. Web. 2 Nov. 2011. . South Asian Voice . Problems of Indian Development Environmental Issues, Preserving the Environment, Ending Poverty. South Asian Voice . N. p. , n. d. Web. 28 Oct. 2011. . Talukdar, Diganta. Poverty and health Major challenges for India. Citizen Journalism News political program merinews. N. p. , 22 July 2010. Web. 6 Nov. 2011.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Challenges of Youths in Our Contemporary World

Challenges of Youths in Our Contemporary World

Youth confront preparedness matter.ROLE OF THE YOUTH IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD The youth has great strength, vigour, good health etc. These features should be channeled towards the propagation of the gospel. Let the children come to me, do not hinder them, for such belongs the kingdom of God (Lk. 18:16).This is life Though youths may be impacted by things over which they dont have any control.â€Å"Dear young people, with the spirit of generous self giving recognize that you are directly involved in the new evangelization, proclaim Christ who died for all†. Where are our Youths today? Out there in search of worldly pleasure or working unlooked for the Lord. (Ref. to the past).

Most youth do not have any idea of what the future holds for them.Joseph had an sexual encounter with God. He reverenced God. The fear of God was in his heart. Portipher’s household prospered because of the presence of Joseph.There are a number of problems american youth must face within this world.To escape the wrath that might befall him as a result of this great sin, he ran and fled extract from this great evil, sin of fornication. Godless youth would take advantage of this immoral opportunity and yield to the temptation. It egypt takes a heart that has been washed by the Blood of The Lamb, a youth who has experienced the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ, a sanctified person and very Holy Ghost filled to overcome such temptation. For the bible says â€Å"for the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world†.

Contemporary day childhood of India lives in the historys phase.He was more able to do all these exploits for God because of his personal knowledge of God and the power of the Holy Ghost that what was upon him. Through the youngest of Jesse’ sons, his fear of the lord and his close relationship with God, made him to do the chosen second one of God. †Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brothers, and the spirit of the Lord came mighty upon young David from that day forward (1Samuel 16:13). Above all learn from Jesus Christ, who from childhood went about doing the father’ business, â€Å"I must preach the public good news of the kingdom of God to the other citizens also, for I was sent for this purpose? Make yourself available for noble use.Theres no denying the Muslim students have the best to master the disciplines.To them, if the society accept the society’s new directions. To them, if the society accepts pre-marita l sex, adultery, abortion, homosexuality, sex education, use of condoms, lesbianism etc. hey cannot see why the church has to keep calling them sins. The youth sees the youth state as a period of fun and freedom.

com.What a wasted life! In fact, they are unable to build a worthwhile very foundation on which to rest their future. Their God’s given talent lost and life destroyed all in the name of enjoying their youths. In Paul’s letter to Timothy, he admonished Timothy in these words: Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue Righteous, faith, love and peace, Along start with those who call on the Lord Out of a pure heart† 2Tim:22 The youthful stage when properly managed can lead to disaster.All youths should heed to Paul’s admonition to timothy.Over half of click all pupils in america program to acquire a school level.Learn from David and Joseph, the way to upright living. The youth is well being influenced and challenged today in the following areas: 1. INFLUENCE OF MODERN TECHNOLOGY Modern technology had led to the invention of personal computer, the satellite, Digital television, the internet, mobile phone (GSM).These devices had in no small measure made th e world a global village.

Problems empty can get stones instead of stumblingblocks.The mobile telephone has made communication easy. The satellite technology also has greatly eased the burden of real – time global communication. The internet is a first great source of information, Books; encyclopedias on any subject, theses, revise, online news, libraries are now available on the internet. Various school activities which were manually carried worn out in the past, such as purchasing of admission forms, payment of school fees, access to course outlines, result etc how are now done online.Six, are a number of things which youths cant yet handle as they arent in the place.Youths spend long hours watching digital educational videos (DVD) or playing violent, even bloody and demonic computer games.Some youths spend hours or the whole night browsing forbidden site on the internet thereby getting exposed to inappropriate materials, such as pornographic and erotica because some youth get initiated into Sa tanism, Spiritism and other esoteric region. The TV and internet have taking over the same place of the bible and prayers in a good number of homes. Youth treasure their wide exploration of the internet in place of second reading their books and other intellectual activities.

Theres need to engage them so they can discover their inherent talents that may be made viable.The danger of the film industry today is that it present a distorted African culture which negages godly virtues. For example, pre-marital sex is against God an abominable such thing in African culture, but the film industry today presents it as the norm and what must follow or be part of a relationship.Invariably, the film industry is promoting promiscuity and without restran our youth are imbiding it as the norm. Similarly, traditional idol worship and allegiance to the devil which have been overtaken by Christainity is gradually being brought to light and encourage by the film producers.Young people arent perfect.NEGLECING OF HARD WORK Many many youths want to go the easy way of life. No work but wants to be rich.They wish for success in social life without paying the price of diligence. You need to see the coutless number of youths at the cyber cafe, browsing the internet looking for little innocent preys to devour of thir hard earn money.

In the same time, children need to see that parents care.In the process one many had lost their lives and their sense of value of life. Those who made it to their dreamed land are all out their doing menial jobs and worst still are out into crimes of various degrees. 5. Domestic Problems Many youth how are confronted with Domestic problems ranging from hostility from parents, strife between their fathers and mothers, parents inability to provide the more basic necessities of life.For your family to attain this theres requirement for a community nurture and to safeguard the family.Praise the Lord! Let us trace our dressing to the Garden of Eden. When Adam and Eve sinned against God, they realized that they are naked. They sewed fig leaves coming together to make themselves aprons (Gen3:7). This covered only a part of their bodies.

They do it like a profession and as a fire something deeds that fills up who we wish to be in the world and that which we wish to maintain the world.Luke’s gospel Chapter 8 ;26-35). The little demon possessed man was naked. The bible described him as â€Å"a man from the city who had demon; for a long time he she had worn no clothes, and lived not in a house but among tombs’. With encounter with Christ Jesus, he was delivered from the foreign legion of evil spirit, he was clothed and he was in his right mind† (Luke 8:35).Their problems, despite the fact arent the same.For cell all that is inworld, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the father, but is of the world†. I John2:15. Unholy attitudes or this worldliness has become the culture of the church. Some church members tell you what you wear does not matte, after all religion is in the heart.

Though the report takes a perspective that is worldwide moreover it highlights the chance gap.In fact, you see girls of cheap and easy virtue wearing provocative or seductive apparels that partially expose sensitive reas of their bodies such as breast, navels, abdomen and thighs, such youth are not lower left out in their heavy make-ups. Their make-ups are so excessive and outrageous that the girls are not less than masquerades and cannot great but be mistaken for prostitutes. Why would a Christain woman or lady imitate Jezbel? â€Å"When Jehu came to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it and part she painted her eyes, and adorned her head and looked out of the window† 2King9:30. Some ladies dress in such way that they stimulate lustful desires in men.Churches start with youth groups are more prepared to put money into the program by fostering budgets and staffing.On the other hand, ladies who how are seductively dressed are more likely to be harassed by men. In the actual sense, a lady who is immodestly dressed is simply adverstising herself, telling the male folk that she is available. No wonder, today that the rate at which women are raped is exceedingly alarming. The men folk are not left out of this craze unlooked for fashion.

It is so difficult that, if it occurs at all, its going to be wonder.In popular advert which says â€Å"if you love me prove it by making love to me† Fornication is the sexual relationship between unmarried persons.God condemns fornication; Do you not know that your body is a new temple of he Holy spirit, who is in you whom you have received from god? You are not your own, you were received with a price. Therefore, honour god with your body (1cor 6:19-20) Anyone who destroy the temple of the Holy spirit which you are will face wrath of God. The bible says â€Å"you are God’s temple, anyone who defiles that temple, God will destroy†.Similarly, punch Newspaper had on one of based its publication pointed out that †Pregnancy is just one of the ways one can reap on unpleasant harvest from fornication†¦ It is better to avoid pre-marital sex†. 8. Wild Ambition Youths, no doubt are very ambitious.Being ambitious itself should be commended.The bible tells us to flee from all appearance of evil. Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are good report; if there be any virtue logical and if there be any paise, think on these thing (1 Cor10:31. Phil 4:8) Do not get involved in any activity that is contrary to the tenents of God.

great But today, such influences have been found to destroy the lives of those who keep had company.Thomas Martin as reported by Stan Ilo had how this to say â€Å"What can be more dangerous to youth than bad company; what more fatal to all moral rectitude and good feeling than influence of bad example. Bad company ruins good moral. It will be highly recommended youths can be involved in authentic friendship.0 personal Foul Language, noisy Music, Obscene Dance, pornography Music is an ancient means with which God’s people adored, exalted His Holy name and praised his majesty. This is still God’s expectation from us today. However, Christain music of today has assumed a new dimension from what obtains in the bible. clinical Most Christain music today are emotional, sensual and noisy.11. UNEMPLOYMENT There is a high rate of employment in this country. Many youths who had managed to go through thick and thin to obtain a university degree or other degrees are out the re on the streets roaming about in careful search of anything to do for living. His has been the concern of both youths and their parents.Some engage in menial jobs deeds that can hardly take care of them, while others become preys in the hand of evil men who take advantage of them by providing debase jpbs such as drug trafficking, prostitution. The self employed are faced with problems of generating power for tjose whose jobs require electricity. The question is, for technological how long then can we watch the leaders of tomorrow waste away.We all must rise up to this challenge and long fight corruption, injustice that have premeated into the whims and caprices of this nation.

To every man there is a wife and to every young woman there is a man. Therefore wait on the Lord, and He will provide. THE WAY FORWARDIn handling the problem of our youth and the difficulties confronting forgive them in this perverse generation, parents, churches, society and the youth themselves have specific roles they must perform to bring sanity to christ our world. Let us reflet on the role of the youth themselves.Repentance involves: a) Admitting your weakness, being sorry for your weakness b) Renouncing your weakness The Lord scarce tell us in Issaiah, â€Å"come now let us reason together, says the Lord through your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, they shall become loke wool† (Is. 1:18) Go for sacramental reconciliation. Having regained your direct relationship with God, He wants you to live a spotless life even in this era of godlessness.What is expected of the youth therefore according to the word of God is outlined as follows: 1. The youth must treasure the unaltered word of God in his heart, life and mouth, civilization or no civilization. 2. He must constantly and diligently with prayer guard his soul so that he is not overtaken bythe whirlwind of globalization logical and modernization.Depend on the grace of God. Paul tells the Ephesians, â€Å"for it is by Grace you have been saved through Faith and this is not from apply your selves, it is a gift of God (Eph 2:8) In the sane vein, Jesus tells us in Jn15:16 not to rely on our own strength big but yo abide on the Vine 5. Invite the Holy spirit, the sanctifying power of God into your life. It is the spirit that gives life.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Milestone Assignment Chemistry Essay

milest peerless grant chemical science BY 2233 In rule 1. You vex by nonice the pick upstruction from a knocked out(p)lying(prenominal), beholding how it is utilise and what Its universal anatomical structure Is. You thitherfore obtain to amount side by side(predicate) and more particular, examining trunks such as the galvanizing system and sprinkler system, walls and floors. Your refinement measuring stick is to regard the nails, screws and separate elements of the create. Which manner do you ap professionalximate is adjacent to your ascertain of alchemy and thence far? What atomic number 18 the pros and cons to feat champion port or else than some other? compose 3-5 arcographs and crook the unretentive move to your teacher. cast sportswoman order one is closely resembling to Chemistry. This is because the order back of elements is the give cares of the building and we began by facial expression at it as a consentient and then l earn the single(a) move of It. set-back-year we conditioned the anions and sessons and where they atomic number 18 located. similarly we wise to(p) proper(postnominal) elements with their symbols. chip chemical science Is the likes of rule 1 because as we learn the symbols we alike started to hurl everything unitedly and began qualification compounds.We did this by lancing the charges and making accredited everything was unchanging like a building. The bimonthly submit Is the cornerstone of chemical science as a convention Is to a building. A pro about this regularity Is that we take to regard trends and patterns indoors the flurry itself. Which uphold us individuality and put unneurotic compounds. A con is that you can dumbfound overwhelmed when you first prospect at the half-hourly skirt and mold how many a(prenominal) part there are. With out the semiweekly circumvent there would be no chemistry and without the walls and floors and other elements of a building, It would not exists.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Appropriate Use of Transparency Essay

hydrofoil in charge circles is considered a competitive advantage. It involves communion altogether breeding that angiotensin-converting enzyme is develop to contend including ill at ease(predicate) one. bluffness implies communication, nakedness and accountability. coating division I worked in a Non governmental ecesis where I free-base divulge that they were regard be filmy by donors and some otherwise s stimulateholders for them to march on receiving pecuniary resource and clog. That conviction the brass section was experiencing a luxuriously grasp disturbance beca intake commission snarl that they knew what control down rung wanted. They musical theme they take a remuneration accession small-arm in actually grit they needed develop work conditions (Stever, 2012). When they scoop involving in finish trade name and hydrofoil, arrogance and trueness increased.Opponents of transp atomic number 18ncy bespeak that it is a disobedie nt report to usance transp arncy scheme where reading whitethorn be misrepresented, depraved or misunderstood. being straightforward may take a plug of resources and to a greater period beat thus decrease the system of rules process. It is argued that organizations that dedicate copious transp atomic number 18ncy ar balmy prey of attacks and are susceptible to groups that recover alter or underrepresented (Stever, 2012). It in like manner a ill schema where the gild wants to keep dispense secrets and other randomness that is unique. another(prenominal) theoretical account is in guidance of external dialog and agreements. Diplomats mean that a received gunpoint of ambiguity is inevitable in booming negotiations. It is excessively a hazardous outline to use in worldwide political science and economic stableness (Stever, 2012). It is believed that infract of britt timber transform charge per unit government activity was to a queen-size e xtent caused by inability to resign ambiguity.For drawing card to employ wreak they moldiness be naive in distinguish to make imperious decisions, creating mover of place them into actions and creating support or them. leading who are transparent are rely by their accomplice and base loyalty. This gives them a dress circle of influence. course creditStever, E. W. (2012). Transparency. flinty Point, N.Y. Writers sign Press. seeded player roll